The mortality rate rises to 156 after the Japan disaster


Relief operations to search for more people still missing, continues, spokesman for the Japanese authorities, Yoshihide Suga.

Due to lack of clean drinking water and high temperatures above 35 degrees, the population in hard-hit areas will experience heat stroke. In the city of Kure, more than 226,000 people are isolated without water and supplies because of the rains.

– No water, no food, nothing comes to town. We will be dehydrated if we continue to be isolated, said a resident of Kure at the Japanese newspaper Mainichi

Difficult relief work

Tuesday, the masses of water finally began to retreat after the storm of rain Monday. In Kurashiki, with more than 400,000 inhabitants, more districts were completely flooded and more people had to climb on their roofs to be saved.

More than 70,000 people participate in the search for missing for rescuers. Nevertheless, the work continues with unprecedented strength

The Prime Minister cancels a trip abroad

The death rate, officially 141 people, is the highest because of the floods in Japan for more 30 years old. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Monday canceled a trip abroad scheduled to visit the most affected areas of the south-west of the country.

Japan experiences heavy rains every year in early summer. In some places, it dropped more than one meter of rain in a short time.

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