The MP takes advantage of the event between Pakistan and Norway


The event was scheduled Saturday at the Bråtenjordet School, under the auspices of the Norwegian Pakistani Association Zohra Mansoor Welfare Society (fax by image). Boye Bjerkholt, vice president of Skedsmo, announced that he was retiring from the event.

Photo: Screenshot / Facebook

According to the site discount the Secular Alliance group has been informed of the organizing network, where the guest of honor is the writer, opinion leader and personality of Pakistani television, Orya Maqbool Jaan.

In Pakistan, Jan is known as a former official, a supporter of Islamism and for his strong antipathy towards the United States. In several televised debates, he made more extreme statements. In a television show recently He threatened to be thrown by Ahmadiyya Muslims. In March of this year, he became refused entry to the United States because of his radical expenses.

Take a distance, shoot
According to Resett, the secular Alliance of the organization contacted the acting mayor. Bjerkholt has now chosen to withdraw from the event after knowing who to share with him.

The Vice President wrote the following on his Facebook page:

On Saturday night, we will be celebrating Data Ganj Baksh, to which I have been invited and who I have basically thanked for coming. Yesterday evening, however, it was informed that Orya Maqbool Jaan, who had been invited to the same event, had formulated a number of hateful expressions, including the call to speak. assassination of Ahmadiyya Muslims. I take a strong distance from these expressions, contrary to all that I defend. I have therefore today announced to the organizer that I did not wish to attend the event.

according to also has the school where the event would take place in order to end the event.

"With regard to this event, the municipality and the school of Skedsmo have clearly expressed themselves and can not support the attitudes conveyed by the invited conferences.For this reason, we can inform you that the organizers of this meeting were informed that they can not hold their event in our premises, writes the rector of Bråtenjordet School, Sandra Kristina Hansen, by email to the website.

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