The ugliest dog in the world is dead


Zsa Zsa, who was recently voted the ugliest dog in the world, lost his time. The English Bulldog from Missouri to the United States departed on Tuesday

Zsa Zsa was nine years old and fell asleep Tuesday morning, says owner Megan Brainard.

– I am still in shock. I have not realized yet that she won the competition and became famous, she told CNN

The dog won the title of ugliness during a competition at Petaluma California last month

Brainard said the dog was falling a lot. had trouble keeping the tongue in the mouth.

The English Bulldog named the ugliest dog in the world

The English Bulldog breed is known for its personality, but beside that is the breed of English. The breed is also very controversial because of its appearance and the health problems that accompany it.

A large portion of puppies must be released with cesarean section because of the narrowness of the tispas pelvis. Extremely underbound leads to breathing problems and dental problems. The breed is easily infected in the skin folds over the muzzle, and there are also reports of problems with the eyes and heart, writes the Norwegian dictionary Store.

Despite this, the breed has become popular in recent years. (s, t, n, c, o, a, p) {e.fbq || (o = e.fbq = function () {o.callMethod? o.callMethod.apply (o, arguments) o.queue .The button (argument)} e._fbq || (e._fbq = o), o. push = o, o.loaded =! 0, o.version = "2.0" o.queue = [] (a = t.createElement ("script")). async =! 0, a.src = "https: // ", (p = t.getElementsByTagName (" script ") [0]). parentNode.insertBefore (a, s))} (window, document), FBQ (" init "," 762559487244655 "), FBQ (" track "," page view ") [ad_2]
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