The White House invites Putin to the United States in the fall


Donald Trump's spokeswoman, Sarah Sanders, says there are discussions about a new visit, but she could not say where it would take place.

The White House states that it is the National Security Advisor John Bolton who received missionary to officially invite Putin to the United States.

US intelligence chief Dan Coats was at a security conference in Aspen, Colorado, when he learned from reporters that Putin was invited to the United States

– I was not aware of it. It's going to be special, Coats said. He added that he had no information on what had been said at the meeting in Helsinki

– it is the president who is responsible for it. But had he asked me how to arrange the meeting, I would have suggested a different arrangement. There is always a danger that Putin takes such a relationship, says Coats.

In a twitter report earlier on Thursday, President Donald Trump said he was looking forward to the next meeting with Putin.

The US President continued reports Thursday after meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin was greeted with strong criticism both at home and abroad.

– The summit in Russia was a great success, except for the real public enemy, the False News media. Trump denied in Helsinki the finding of a global US intelligence environment according to which Russia attempted to influence the presidential elections in 2016. However, when he returned to Washington, he claimed that he was "out of control." he had succumbed to Putin's press conference.

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