The widespread criticism of escape waits for Trump at home


President Trump did not lose himself in the glory of the summit. Even before the Air Force One took off, he criticized critics

which is not surprising, most critics emanating from the Democratic teams, but many prominent Republicans also use adjectives malicious.

The Democratic Senator Chris Murphy says that Trump has shown his finger to the United States as a whole, while Congressman Adam Schiff's representative to the Intelligence Committee said that he has now given his fire green for interference in the election of autumn. History has a seated president who has given such support to an enemy of the United States as Trump did on Monday.

– Today 's press conference was one of the most outrageous ever held by a US president. 19659006] "Dangerous"

Schumer adds that Trump appeared as "dangerous and weak" by sharing the description of reality with Putin.

Earlier CIA boss John Brennan retains nothing and says Trump's behavior has exceeded the legal limit. He calls short and well the words of the president and acts of treason.

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham describes the appearance of Trump as an abusive occasion to remove Putin in charge of interference in the US election campaign in 2016.

In the House of Representatives , Republican Paul Ryan, at one point, Mark Trump pointed out that there was no question as to whether Russia interfered in the election campaign. He also said that Russia is "not an ally of the United States."

Current: German Foreign Minister: – We Can not Trust the White House

The Smooth Law

The Brussels summit last week was apparent. The friends and allies of the United States have gotten the team smoothly, and the EU has been designated as the enemy of Trump this weekend.

In Helsinki, Putin was treated as a partner, which Trump can get rid of in world problems. According to Trump, relations between Russia and the United States lasted a long time

Russia's allegations of interference in the US election campaign in 2016 overshadowed everything else at the press conference after the meeting .

– This is ridiculous. It's ridiculous, says Trump in reference to the investigation of the special investigator Robert Mueller on the charges

This even after Friday's declaration by a grand jury against twelve Russian agents named


While Trump repeatedly said that there was no form of conspiracy, Putin said that Mueller investigators could come to Russia to interrogate them. twelve Russian defendants. Putin admitted that such an agreement must go both ways and that the Russian authorities must be allowed to hear from the United States people whom they consider to be violating Russian law.

Russian President Vladimir Putin gives US President Donald Trump football at a press conference in Helsingborg, Finland on Monday. Photo: AP / Markus Schreiber / NTB scanpix

Russian President Vladimir Putin gives the official football World Cup to Donald Trump at a press conference in Helsingborg, Finland on Monday.

– Yes, I would have liked him to win because he talked about normalizing relations between Russia and Russia. and the United States, Putin

– Inexplicable

However, the two presidents disagree with the Crimean Peninsula, annexed by Russia in 2014. Putin acknowledged at the press conference that Trump had declared that annexation was illegal. Melby at the Defense Research Institute finds it odd that Trump chooses to ignore the findings of US intelligence organizations that data attacks continue, and Putin also ensures that Russia does not interfere with the presidential elections.

– It is rather unexplained that Trump acts on this way. He shows a guilty and meager attitude towards Putin, and there is no reason to do it, Melby told NTB

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