Thirteen arrested after firing at a party venue in Gothenburg


Thirteen people were arrested after firing on Saturday night in front of a party hall in Mölnlycke, Gothenburg. Eight people, including members of the Hells Angels, were injured.

The Swedish prosecutor said that it was a gang where one of the gangs was affiliated with Hells Angels.

"People on the other side form a gang of the immediate area," says lawyer Karl-Erik Espoo at Göteborgs Posten.

Inmates are between 25 and 50 years old. The thirteen are suspected of murder and serious violence and seven people were hospitalized in Gothenburg after the Saturday night shootings. One of them is now printed. Another is seriously injured and the other states are qualified as stable.

An eighth person suspected of being involved in the incident received medical treatment in Skaraborg.

According to the police, there may be other wounded persons who have not asked for medical help or who have consulted a doctor without indicating that they were near the injured person. .

Read also: Seven shots at the hospital outside Gothenburg

The shooting took place in front of a village hall in Mölnlycke, near Gothenburg. The motive and course of events are not known and the police are reluctant to give details of the case. But according to Göteborgs Posten, there is a support club for the Hells Angels motorcycle club in the industrial area where the locals are located. Asked if any of the wounded has links to Hells Angels, Criminal Commissioner Sven Lindgren, an expert in criminal matters in the West Police Region, responds:

– The answer is yes, among the wounded, there are people belonging to the Hells Angels.

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