Trump and Putin called the summit a success. Then both denied US intelligence accusations.


– I see no reason why they should be, said President Donald Trump when he believed the conclusions of his own intelligence organizations that Russia interfered with the US elections in 2016

Trump also said Putin was "very strong and convincing" in his refusal to stand next to Putin at the press conference with the Russian president. Then he accused the FBI of not doing a good job, repeating the previous accusations against Hillary Clinton and returning the conversation to his election owner.

– We had a brilliant election campaign and we won, Trump said.

Trump was challenged directly by the Associated Press to find out if he was saying "Putin and the whole world" that Russia had made it was not acceptable. 19659002] Robert Mueller, a senior researcher, on Friday accused 12 Russian secret service agents of being illegally involved in US elections. During the weekend, many of Trump's political opponents asked the president to cancel the summit.

Putin, on his side, called the charges "joke"

Believe in both parties

– All I can do is ask the questions. My people, [blant dem etterretningssjef] Dan Coats, said that it was Russia. Putin says it was not Russia. I believe in both parties, said Trump.

He closed the press conference by calling the Russians a "witch hunt" and a "disaster".

US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin meeting nearly two hours on tomannshand. The two also had a working lunch where their closest advisors were present.

The meeting with the Russian leader marks a significant change in Trump's tone last week before flattering his NATO allies at a meeting in Brussels and then severely criticizing the British prime minister Theresa May in an interview.

– Nothing would be more politically simple than refusing to meet, said President Donald Trump at a press conference in Helsinki Monday after meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

– But that would not change anything.

Trump said that it was important to restore diplomacy and not be distracted by political shooters. The two presidents called the summit for success, and a starting point for a better relationship and stronger cooperation. The meeting came following a proposal by Vladimir Putin, during a telephone conversation between the two leaders in March.

Strong reactions in the United States

The press conference provoked strong reactions in the United States. Even on Fox's friendly Fox News, there were more critical voices.

– Trump's response will create a lot of reactions, and I think he's created a lot of problems with these answers, said Fox anchor Bret Baier, who was in Helsinki to cover the summit .

Former CIA director John Brennan called the president's comments for "landsvvik". Brennan, who headed the intelligence service in Trump, became president in January 2017. He was "shocked" by the president

– I do not understand how Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo, the security advisor John Bolton and CEO John Kelley can continue in their work after that, Brennan said, calling it "total capitulation".

Thomas Countryman was Acting Under Secretary of State and US Diplomatic Disarmament until Trump took over the leadership of the White House in 2017. He told Aftenposten that he was deeply shocked by what he had heard

– it was a shameful sight. I am embarrassed to be American today, said Countryman, who has a 35-year career as a diplomat.

– Even when he had the perfect opportunity for a reporter to make a clear message to the Russians, refused Trump to give a warning to Putin

Jeff Flake, a senator who is among the Trump's first critics in the Republican Party, nor is it graceful:

"I would never have thought that I was going to live the day with the Russian president and owed the United States United for the Russian aggression.This is shameful. "

Guard of Disarmament

One of the most important topics of the summit was, according to Trump, disarmament. The president pointed out in advance that the United States and Russia control more than 90% of nuclear weapons in the world and that this is not "a good thing".

President Putin said the Russians had provided the United States with a plan for future cooperation, which included an extension of the START agreement.

– It is the usual state of law of Russia and not a realistic starting point for disarmament. American work with disarmament under Obama, in Aftenposten.

– I am disappointed because this should be a great opportunity to speed up the negotiations.

The Russian-American arms race is linked by two agreements: the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (INF) and the Treaty on Intermediate Nuclear Forces).

– As the two largest atomic powers in the world, we have a special responsibility. It is imperative that we find a way of cooperation, said Putin

A little concrete about Syria

The two presidents declared that the summit was a good starting point for better relations and stronger cooperation .

During the week leading up to the meeting, Donald Trump said they would discuss the crisis in Syria, the situation in Ukraine and disarmament. The two leaders said that they had talked about Syria and that they would try to cooperate for a peaceful solution, but they did not provide details. Trung and Putin discussed cooperation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the US president stressed the need to protect the Israeli state.

Before the meeting, Netanyahu and Putin discussed an agreement on Syria.

Putin He also said that he had resumed the Iranian agreement with Trump, stressing that he thought the agreement was very important to prevent a further escalation of nuclear weapons.

Trump withdrew the United States from the agreement in May.


Just before the meeting Monday morning, Trump USA blamed the bad relationship between the United States and Russia.

"Our relationship with Russia has never been worse thanks to many years of American idiocy and foolishness," wrote Trump on Twitter.

The Russian Foreign Minister retweeted the comment to Trump, with the answer "We are in agreement."

During the press conference, Trump repeated that both countries were blamed for the fresh relationship, which really invaded the Crimean peninsula. The director of US intelligence, Dan Coats, said just before the weekend that "alarm signals are flashing again" regarding Russia's interference in US democratic processes. .

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