Trump at NATO – Trump show in Europe


It all starts in Brussels today and Thursday, where the US president meets with heads of state and government from other NATO countries. On Friday the 13th, it will be in London where Donald Trump will meet giant protests with a greater security offer than at the 2012 Olympic Games. And on Monday, Trump meets Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki

In Europe, Politicians and diplomats nail in front of Trump's visit. Will the President insult his NATO partners, then he offended his hostage at the G-7 meeting in Canada last June when he finally resigned from the final statement after leaving the meeting before it's over? And the president – obsessed with what he still sees as the success of the Kim Jong-un meeting in Singapore – will he have a closer meeting with Putin in Helsinki than with his natural allies and in Brussels? Will he still try to sell his magic and meet other people, his magical ability to do business – Make a deal – this time with Putin. And what will be a possible agreement with Putin?

Questions are online. And the answers are not as easy to spot. Because there is not much that Donald Trump has in common with God. Yet his roads are really unreasonable.

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However, we know something. We know that Trump will insist that all NATO Allies pay their bills, at least two percent of the nation's GDP by 2024, as agreed by the NATO Summit in the country. of Wales in 2014. And we know that he can do it in a provocative and condescending order, as he did at a meeting in Montana last week when he loosened his favorite opponent, German Chancellor Angela Merkel

– You know, Angela, I can guarantee it, but we protect you and that means a lot more for you than to protect us, because I do not know what protection we have for to protect you.

Despite the stubborn syntax Trump garnered great applause from his audience at home. Because it was not the syntax that was the point, but the result against Merkel, and the underlying threat, otherwise Marker explodes.

Now, it goes without saying that in Europe one has to pay more for one's own safety. As such, Trump continues to enter an open door. And it's not because of the two percent that European leaders are biting their nails before the start of Wednesday's summit. This is because they think more and more that Trumps USA does not care about the security of Europe or does not feel responsible for it. The question is simply to know if there is a friend or an enemy who arrives in Brussels on Wednesday

Trump has already threatened to link security issues to commercial policy, in accordance with his doctrine "L & # 39; America first ". European diplomats fear that Trump will demand that European countries withdraw customs from US goods, or lose the US nuclear deterrent to Russia, as speculation Deutche Welle

. Looks like extortion in a gangster world, you can have a point. For Donald Trump's basic relationship with international organizations and commitments, it's well known. Trump does not understand – or understand – the value of binding international agreements. He despised the United Nations, reduced the US contribution to funding and removed the United States from the United Nations Human Rights Council. It undermines the World Trade Organization and tries instead to conclude bilateral agreements with each country. He scorns the EU, which he hardly understands, despite the fact that the Union has greatly contributed to the peace, stability, growth and proliferation of democracy in Europe during almost 70 years old. And despite the fact that Western Europe has been the closest ally of the United States for a long time.

Trump has terminated the nuclear deal with Iran and is actively working to push the Iranian regime to the knee despite the fact that the rest of the world minus Israel – believes is madness. And he reported the United States out of the Paris climate agreement. All this was done by Trump without thinking of trying to create an international consensus around his positions. Why should the relationship with NATO be different? Because Trump has a conscious relationship with the history of NATO and the links that existed between the United States and Europe after World War II? Because he believes in the value of taking care of democracy?

For that, it's the scariest of the Trump phenomenon. That he seems to have no faith in democracy, nor any knowledge of the history of the post-war European, nor any relationship with it.

With this: Welcome to Europe

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