Trump praises the immigration policy of Italy – Aftenposten


The new Italian government is conducting a tough asylum and immigration policy, refusing the boats of voluntary organizations that are raising people at sea in the Mediterranean to add a wharf in Italy.

In addition, the government wants to deport up to half a million immigrants without legal residency.

– I totally agree with what you are doing with respect to migration, illegal immigration and legal immigration, "Trump said. should follow the example of Italy.

Fantastic Job

Trump shouted Conte to do "a wonderful job" and pointed out that they were both strangers when they got into politics.

The Italian Prime Minister acknowledged that the United States and Italy were "almost a twin country".

– We have so much in common, said Conte.

Mussolini's Quote

The Italian Prime Minister heads a government of the five-star populist movement (M5S) and the League of Immigrants and the High-Right.

Italian media believe that the visit to Trump will strengthen Conte's position in his country, where he has something broken by league leader Matteo Salvini.

Sunday also captured Salvini 's titles when he marked Benito Mussolini' s birthday by displaying the well – known quote of the fascist dictator "a lot of enemies, a lot of honor" on Facebook.

Trade Deficit

In addition to consistent views on asylum and immigration policy, Conte agrees with Trump on the need to improve relations with Russia.

– I think it would be good for Russia, I think it would be good for the United States and I think it would be good for all G7 countries, said Trump on Monday.

The two also discussed trade, and Trump found that the United States has a trade deficit with Italy.

– But we're going to fix that pretty quickly, Trump said.

Ready to meet Iranian leaders

At the press conference with Conte, Trump was asked about his relations with Iran. He was surprised to say that he is ready to meet the Iranian rulers – without any conditions in advance.

– If they want to meet, I will meet them.

He still doubts that Iranian leaders are ready for such negotiations

Earlier this year, Trump decided to withdraw the United States from the International Agreement on Iran's Nuclear Program. Thus, strict US sanctions against Iran will be restored.

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