Trump: Scott Pruitt has been appointed environmental officer in the United States


Scott Pruitt resigns from his post as head of the US Environmental Protection Agency at his sole discretion, says US President Donald Trump

– I have accepted Scott's rejection application Pruitt as chief of the Environmental Protection Agency. ] On board the Air Force One Presidential Air Force, he told reporters that there is no drop of a drop that has been ordered to fall over. On the contrary, he believes that Pruitt did a remarkable job

Got criticism

Pruitt, a pronounced climate detector, has received a lot of criticism for the use of public funds for private things like thefts and the housing hunt. He was also criticized for the contact he had with various lobbyists

– He came to tell me that he had great confidence in the administration and that it would only be not distracted, "said Trump, adding that they had been speaking

During his time in the EPA, Pruitt worked to complete a series of climate measures

The Member Takes Over [19659004] On Monday, the next-party EPA, Andrew Wheeler will take over as the chief executive officer until a permanent boss is appointed by Trump and approved by the Senate.

Wheeler is a former lobbyist for the coal industry and, like Pruitt, worked to unleash the climate control system. He is considered one of the strongest candidates to get the chef position permanently.

The 53-year-old took over in April and on Twitter, Trump writes that there is no doubt that Wheeler will do a good job. .

(© NTB)

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