He was on Twitter Trump said that he had asked King Salman of Saudi Arabia to increase oil production by 2 million barrels a day.
– He accepted, two trumpets
Trump skreiv it was necessary "
Oil prices rose sharply earlier, between Americans because of US plans to reintroduce economic sanctions against # 39; Iran.
The OPEC countries and Russia agreed to increase the recovery
The Saudi press agency confirms that there is a phone call between Trump and King Salman and that both have agreed to maintain the stability of the oil industry, but that would not be enough to slow down oil prices.
But in the telegram, it is not confirmed that Saudi Arabia agreed to extract the extraction with two million barrels of day
Can ride the crane if it wants it
Saudi Arabia is the largest exporter of oil with about 10 million barrels in May. Truleg has a reserve capacity of 1.5 to 2 million barrels, but experts claim to the Wall Street Journal that they will exceed 11 million barrels.
– It is expensive for the country to add extraction, said a tenestemann. Saudi Arabia, Wall Street Journal
SAUDI ARAB: A super tanker is refilled at the Aramco refinery in Ras Tanura. Saudi Arabia is the largest exporter of oil in the world, and the cost of its victory is relatively low. Dei also has a large spare capacity because Trump no wants the country to use to lower oil prices down in the United States.
Photo: Ahmed Jadallah / Reuters
The US government calls for the stop of the Iranian oil import of November, when it is expected that it will sanction again Iran with financial penalties.
This occurs after Trump has retired from a nuclear agreement established in 2015.
US diplomats do not call allies Europe, the United States. Asia and the Middle East will respect sanctions to push Iran to agree on a new nuclear deal.
Al-Jazeera's US correspondent, Rosiland Jordan, does not say that it's unusual for a stable home.
– Mainly because an American president is concerned primarily with the price of oil and other fuels, especially in an election year.
This is a congressional election in the United States in November. 59022] var require = {paths: {jquery: "common / bower / jquery / dist / jquery.min", asynchronous: "common / js / lib / conditions / plugins / async / async", indicates: "common / js / lib / signals "couple" / common js / lib / couple / couple "unispring" / common js / lib / scores / unispring "comScore" https://static.nrk.no/comscore/latest/ comscore.min "text: "common / charmille / requirejs-text / text" facebook: "//" connect.facebook.net/nb_NO/all",instagram:"//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds, twitter: "// platform. twitter.com/widgets",Pusher: "// js.pusher.com/3.0/pusher.min"}, {shim Tinycon: {EXPORT "Tinycon"} Pusher: {EXPORT "Pusher"}, JSON: {EXPORT " JSON "}, vkbeautify: {EXPORT" vkbeautify "}, facebook: {EXPORT" FB "}, unispring: {EXPORT" unispring "}} wait a few seconds: 15, MAP: {" * ": {PubSub:" Online standard: / common js / lib / PubSub "," Serum.Pubsub ":" standard row: / common js / lib / Serum.Pubsub "," Serum .plugin ":" online standard: Type / plugin / Serum.Plugin "" Serum.Profile ":" standard row: / common js / lib / Serum.Profile "" Serum.Asset.Img ":" online standard: common / module / active / Serum.As set .Img "" Serum.Date ":" online standard: common / module / date / Serum.Date "" Serum.ScrollTrigger ":" standard online: / common js / lib / Serum.ScrollTrigger "}}};
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