Trump's former electoral commander faces long prison sentence –


The case against Manafort is the first to relate to the Russian investigation on the specialist researcher Robert Mueller

The appeal includes 18 points, and is related, inter alia, to the lobbies of Manafort for Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. The actor believes that, with his business partner Rick Gates, he has received substantial fees from Yanukovych's party and that the money has been deposited in secret bank accounts in Cyprus and in from other countries.

Yanukovych, who crashed in 2014 Russia

The former political advisor led the Trump election campaign for a few months. He was convicted and is the only one of more than 30 defendants in the Russian investigation who did not want to reach agreement with the investigators.

According to the prosecution, Manafort received nearly $ 250 million from so – called Russian donors from the former Russian – speaking government. in Ukraine. The prosecution believes his cruel life was much more than the income he reported to the IRS.

Small Demonstration

Some opponents of Trump arrived Tuesday in front of the courtroom in Alexandria, Virginia. They were carrying posters where "Burning Inside" and "Trump would not have spent a second in jail for you."

Manafort was dressed in a dark suit and one White T-shirt when he arrived at the stupid audience hall. He looked a bit thinner after a month of detention, but seemed relaxed and made no comment when he entered the courtroom.

Tuesday, the election of twelve members of the jury began. It should take one to two days. Then, it is assumed that the trial will last about three weeks.

Testimonial of a business partner

The lawsuit will bring 35 witnesses in the case against the 69-year-old man. Among them, Rick Gates, who escaped a less serious charge in February after agreeing with the investigators.

Michael Flynn, a former Trumps National Security Advisor, is among those who have entered into such an agreement in exchange for penalties. Many other defendants are Russian citizens and therefore out of the United States.

In April of this year, Dutch lawyer Alex van der Zwaan admitted to having lied to Mueller investigators about his contacts with Gates and a Russian intelligence officer. a 30-day sentence of imprisonment

Job for Ford and Reagan

The Mueller investigation is aimed primarily at determining whether Trump's colleagues collaborated with Russia to undermine the election campaign. Hillary Clinton.

Trump repeatedly dismissed the investigation as being politically motivated and called it a "witch hunt."

Manafort has already participated in election campaigns for a number of Republican presidential candidates, Gerald Ford in the mid-1970s and Ronald Reagan in the late 1970s. (Terms)

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