Trumps star on "Walk of Fame" destroyed


He reports, among other things, the Los Angeles Times.

The man used a chop to destroy the star that was the subject of multiple attacks or aggression attempts in the past

He did not reported to the police what was his motive for destroying the star.

However, he is close to believing that the man is not a big fan of the controversial president.

– Coming Soon

It was around 03:30 local time that man walked up to Trump's star with a guitar box. Out of the guitar box, he picked up a pick and started unleashing Donald Trump's name.

After he had finished, he called himself to the police and was informed of the vandalization.

– Soon, he says to the police According to Karen Leong of the Los Angeles Police Department

Can not stop it

Local security guards have made more attempts to stop the police. but as they did not have the same authority as the police to seize, they had to let him go SMADRET: A 24-year-old man refused to stop when the security guards discovered that he had crushed Donald Trump "Walk of Fame" -stjerne onsdag. "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhEAAJAIAAAP /// wAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAQAAkAAAIKhI + py + 0Po5yUFQA7 "data-src =" // www.cdn.tv2. no / images? imageId = 9988481 & x = 0 & y = 0 & cropw = 100 & croph = 74.695863746959 & width = 617 & height = 308 & compression = 75 "class =" img lazyload "data-srcset =" // 0 & y = 0 & cropw = 100 & croph = 74.7 & width = 1370 & height = 683 & compression = 30 4000w, // 2048w, // 1920w, // = 361 & height = 180 & compression = 80 640w, // 480w, // images? imageId = 9988481 & x = 0 & y = 0 & cropw = 100 & croph = 74.7 & width = 626 & height = 312 & compression = 20 320w "/>

SMADRET: A 24-year-old refused to stop when security guards discovered that he had crushed Donald Trump. Star Wednesday. Photo: Reed Saxon / AP

Before the arrival of the police, the man was gone, but it did not take him more than an hour before he appeared at the Beverly Hills police and he's appearing

was vandalized. In October 2016, a few weeks before winning the presidential election against Hillary Clinton, the star was destroyed by fists and axes.

In April of the same year, the Norwegian street artist Pøbel drew a silent symbol. (function () {
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