Twelve Russians accused of hacking democrats


The charge was designed by researcher Robert Mueller specialist, former director of the FBI to examine allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential elections.

The deputy minister of Justice, Rod Rosenstein, announced Friday the statement of President Donald Trump. meets his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin for a summit in Finland.

The twelve Russians were accused of breaking into the National Democratic Committee (DNC) data servers and their election campaign, and then into Hillary Clinton's election campaign. The stolen email was then published in the months leading up to the election.

From the beginning, 20 people and three companies were accused of the Mueller investigation. Among them, four former Trump advisers, as well as 13 Russians accused of participating in a massive social media campaign aimed at influencing the US public opinion before the elections.

Rosenstein says Friday that Trump is stripped of the latest indictment. The deputy minister also points out that there is no charge that hacking has changed the vote, or that some Americans have deliberately communicated with some of the Russian defendants.

(© NTB)

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