UD confirms five Norwegians are imprisoned in Israel – NRK Hordaland – Local News, TV and Radio


Torstein Dahle is the head of Ship to Gaza Norway, the organization behind the cruise. He confirms to the NRK that the 22, including five Norwegian, are now imprisoned. However, neither the Israeli authorities nor the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have confirmed it so far.

– We know that they were brought to a Ramia prison in Israel and are probably the subject of an investigation. This is all the information we have at the present time.

The Israeli authorities said that everything was calm when the boat was brought. Torstein Dahle also hopes but does not feel safe

– it's something that they always say in such cases, even if it's not the case. Therefore, we are concerned that there has been violence on the part of the Israeli navy.

  Torstein Dahle

CONFIRMS THAT THE VISIT IS FIXED: Torstein Dahle is the chief of the ship in Gaza Norway

] No direct contact

Ship bound for Gaza Norway has not been in direct contact with the crew members after the boat has been brought.

– We did not do it. However, they should have been contacted by representatives of the Norwegian Embassy in Tel Aviv. The lawyers should also have been in contact with the 22 who were on board.

Dahle expects to receive more information during the day today or tomorrow.

Traveled from Bergen in May

The boat, which is now seized by the Israeli authorities, is a former Norwegian fishing vessel, named Kårstein. He is rebuilt and left Bergen for a course for Gaza in May. The purpose of this trip was to focus on the closure of Israel and the blockade of the Palestinian territory. The boat was to be given as a gift to Palestinian fishermen.

Israel has also previously arrested foreign vessels that have attempted to enter Gaza. Nine people were killed by Israeli soldiers in the summer of 2010 when the ship "Mavi Marmara" tried to break the blockade

Exploits UD

Ship in Gaza Norway is looking forward to help received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after a number of Norwegian citizens is imprisoned in Israel. The organization however believes that the UD should also protest to the Israeli authorities for the arrest of a Norwegian ship in international waters

– This should indicate strong reactions from the Norwegian government ", said Torstein Dahle

has absolute principles that the Norwegian authorities should adopt.

Dahle does not think the militants will be in jail for a long time.

– Usually, people arrested for such events are promptly released.The reason is that Israel wants so little publicity on these issues as possible, "said Torstein Dahle

Get Information

The Utenriot Service is trying to To get information on what happened

– Asked the Israeli authorities to clarify what happened and on what basis they believe they can intervene e n favor of this ship, said director of communications Frode Overland Andersen at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Oslo confirms that the boat was erected and the crew stopped. The head of communications, Beate Mikkelsen, says that Israel has not broken international rules when the boat was stopped.

– The purpose of this trip has always been to provoke Israel.

– The trip had no humanitarian side. In this case, the boat could have landed in the port of Ashdod so that the goods could be transported to Gaza from there, "said Mikkelsen


WILL GIVE TO PALESTINIAN FISHERMEN: The boat of fishing Kårstein. The picture is taken along the Mediterranean.

Photo: Ship to Gaza Norway

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