UN: The South Sudan Army is behind brutal attacks against civilians


Government forces in southern Sudan hid civilians, burned them alive and raped more than 100 people, including four-year-olds, according to a new UN report

The Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, presented Tuesday

The events dealt with in the report took place in the state of unity between April 16 and May 24 after fighting between government forces and rebels

. killed and many more injured in the villages of Mayendit and Leer. At least "120 women and girls were raped or raped as a group, including four-year-olds".

More than 130 women and girls were also abducted, according to the UN.

] Violated ceasefire in South Sudan

– Violated after birth

– This must be a consequence for men who reportedly reported a six-year-old girl who slit throat Older villagers who hanged women because they opposed the burglary According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, civilians fled and hid in the swamps.

According to the United Nations, government forces, government forces and armed youth were at the root of these attacks. Targeted attacks on civilians and elderly people with disabilities and very young children have been killed in cruel acts of violence, the report says.

A 20-year-old woman still bleeds after being born when she was raped.

See also: South Sudan is hard on Machar – no peace in sight

Brent alive

Many should also have been burned alive.

– According to the information we received, UN investigators wrote that as a result of the attacks, about 5,000 people fled to the United Nations. protected clay in Leer and Bentiu. About 18,000 fled to the town of Mayendit. In addition, the UN estimates that about 8,000 people have fled into the swampy and forested landscapes of the state.

Read also: United Nations Security Council Threatens South Sudan With Stolen Weapons

-Sudan Begins After President Salva Kiir Fired Vice President Riek Machar in 2013 as a result of a long struggle for power.

The two men mobilized their respective groups, Dinka and Nuer. Since then, tens of thousands of people have been killed and millions have been driven out.

The parties to the war have been repeatedly accused of targeted attacks on civilians.

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