VG: The Norwegian youth in Kos was released


The youth were arrested overnight to Friday and were charged with fighting and not cooperating with the police. Now they are cowardly, one of them announces to VG.

Young people were arrested because there should have been fighting between Russians from two Norwegian cities

– The Embassy in Athens is in contact with local authorities and will provide consular assistance in accordance with the established practice and current framework assisting prisoners in prison abroad, "said Kari Eken Wollebæk, press attaché at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Coming Russ

The Arrested will be taking part in a trip for the future Russians VG spoke to five different people, with a thorough knowledge of the events of last week, because everyone says that there was a fight between the Russians from two different Norwegian cities That evening, several witnesses claim that there were battles all week long, the newspaper was sent two videos showing brutal battles, where Norwegians should be

According to NRK, six of the boys – over 18 – were in court on Friday.

One of the participants said that the detainees were taken by the police in the main market on Kos between midnight and a half two nights to Friday.

– Nobody understood what happened, he said.

– Do not fly the plane

The general manager Ronny Helmersen at West Bar on Kos tells Dagbladet "yapped and mocked" for several days between the young of two Russian buses

After Dagbladet As far as I know, the Russians had planned to return to Norway on Friday. None of those who have been on a slippery cell, said the plane, according to Helmersen.

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