-We are doctors, not terrorists – Document


The Iron Thief of Daniel Ortega. Here at a demonstration to support the president in Managua on July 28th. Photo: Oswaldo Rivas / Reuters / Scanpix

More than twelve doctors and nurses say they were fired in public hospitals in Nicaragua because they treated wounded adversaries.

The Oscar Danilo Rosales Hospital is located in the city of Leon and is managed by the country. health Minister. The dismissed doctors claim that there was an order not to treat the wounded protesters opposed to the government of President Daniel Ortega and to protest against the country's government.

– The crime we committed is that we took care of the wounded in the demonstration, or that we supported the marches and called for justice, freedom and true democracy, "said Javier Pastora Membreno. surgeon for the surgical department and endoscopy

– We are doctors, not terrorists, he adds

Interruption of the operation

The doctor Aaron Delgado says that he was undergoing a breast cancer surgery, interrupted and asked to report to management where he was informed of the termination

– They did not even let me finish the surgery. All this because we were massacred a month ago by a massacre, a massacre perpetrated by paramilitary groups of the government against civilians who barricaded buildings neighboring Leon, he said.


Protestants rejected by public medical institutions, but President Ortega and his government insist that such an order never existed.

Those who claim to have been fired were working in various fields at the hospital. One of them is the only doctor specializing in infectious diseases in the municipality.

At least 448 people died

A total of 448 people died during the violent riots that took place in Nicaragua in the past three months.

Among those killed were 383 civilians, 40 members of pro-government paramilitary groups, 24 police officers and one government soldier.

Hospital staff and residents of León demonstrated in front of the hospital and demanded the withdrawal of denunciations. [ad_2]
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