When she was forced to retire, Malgorzata became a freedom of freedom


According to her, she is still the legitimate leader of the Polish Supreme Court. On the other hand, a brutal and cowardly maneuver on the part of the Polish government sent to the court and a third of the other judges

which made Gersdorf himself a protector last week. The next day she should have left, according to the authorities, she found herself at work as usual. Several other retired judges followed suit and were greeted by thousands of protesters. The situation in Poland is serious and protests from other countries, including colleagues from the EU, seem to push them even further in the wrong direction.

The EU made it clear that it was a "European issue" when the rule of law is shaken and calls for court reform a "systematic threat" "in the state of law. It is said that it is strange in Brussels, but it is easy to accept.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki believes that Poland clearly has the right to develop its own justice and that it uses the new pension rules. gets rid of the last judgments that relate to the totalitarian communist regime, which was solved in the 1980s.

What makes its arguments fall on the ground, is the way the "reform of retreats "is designed and the way it" happens "to strike the Supreme Court of Poland It enters into a large number of other measures taken by the governing body of law and order after its return to power almost three years ago. The freedom of the press and speech is also under pressure.

People's government and the distribution of power are not just something that can be adopted. This requires tradition, predictability and cruelty to those who are not part of the majority. The last is missing in total power-maker today. In this way, they create new heroes of freedom, like Malgorzata Gersdorf.

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