Will build Europe's largest data park outside of Skien


(Finansavisen): Statkraft is in dialogue with several US computer companies to establish what could become Europe's largest data park in Norway. An area twice as large as the Herøya Industrial Park is now regulated outside of Skien

– it's probably one of the best places in Norway for a data center of this size, "says Christian Rynning Tønnesen, CEO of Statkraft, in Finansavisen.

Million Investments

Grunneier Leopold Løvenskiold gave Statkraft an option on the resale plot.

– It is very difficult to say what kind of investments it will be, but about a billion can be accounted for the preparation of the site, including the basic infrastructure, if all the zone is used. Then, there will be investments of 12 to 14 billion kroner before everything is developed, says the owner of the forest

– Why should Statkraft really be involved in data centers?

– We participated in Rynning Tønnesen told Finansavisen

Meetings of customers in the United States and China

The company takes care to comment on the current players, but must be in dialogue with several actors real. According to Finansavisen, Statkraft is believed to have attended meetings and fairs in the US, China, Dublin and Monaco, among others, to secure a customer recently.

– The next step is to lift Norway is a bjellesau project, and there is good reason to believe that Skien can be the first, says the Minister of Food, Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (H) to Finansavisen

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