NRG Stadium set to become a COVID-19 mega site


A new mega vaccine site will launch this month at NRG Stadium, according to the White House COVID-19 response team.

Houstonians can expect around 10,000 shots a day to be administered at NRG Stadium, according to the Biden administration. NRG Stadium will be one of three mega venues in Texas, including Fair Park in Dallas and AT&T Stadium in Arlington. The Houston mega site is scheduled to launch in the week of February 22.

“These mass community sites will allow us to expand access to COVID-19 vaccinations in underserved communities and will help us mitigate the spread of the virus,” Governor Greg Abbott said of the plan.

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Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner hailed the site as an accelerator of the vaccination process.

“We need to work collaboratively to immunize as many people as possible and in a targeted manner to include a diverse population,” Turner said.

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo weighed in on increasing vaccination capacity in Harris County.

“Achieving herd immunity is the keystone in recovering from this pandemic and getting our economy back on track, but we will only get there if we work together to achieve it,” Hidalgo said in a statement.

About three percent of Texans received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, according to officials from the Texas Department of Health Services. In an interview with Chron, infectious disease expert Dr Peter Hotez estimates that nearly 40,000 people in Harris County need to be vaccinated per day to achieve herd immunity of at least 70%.

“To get ahead [the spread], we would have to vaccinate 3/4 of the population to reduce transmission which is around 3.6 million people, “Hotez said.” We would need 40,000 vaccinations per day to move forward in Harris County.


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