Number of new COVID-19 cases in Utah drops to lowest level in five months


Two more deaths bring the total to 1,738.

(Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) TestUtah could get more contracts from the state as COVID-19 tests are performed alongside Utah Valley Pediatrics at 750 W 800 North in Orem on Saturday, February 6, 2021.

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Utah reported 514 new cases of COVID-19 on Sunday – the lowest number a day since mid-September.

The state also suffered two other deaths, according to the Utah Department of Health. And the Department of Health has changed the way it reports the rate of coronavirus positivity.

Vaccinations reported the day before / total vaccinations • 3.087 / 417.024.

Number of Utahn who received two doses • 103,806.

Cases reported the day before • 514.

Deaths reported the day before • Of them.

Utah County has reported the death of a woman aged 45 to 64 and Washington County has reported the death of a man aged 65 to 84.

Hospitalizations reported the day before • 308. It’s down 21 of Sunday. Of those currently hospitalized, 112 are in intensive care units – eight fewer than Sunday.

Tests reported the day before • 3,653 people tested for the first time; 7,216 tests administered.

Percentage of positive tests • Under the state’s original method, the rate is 14.1%, which is lower than the seven-day average of 15.4%.

His new method counts all test results, including repeated testing of the same individual. This rate is 7.1%, roughly the same as the seven-day average of 7.3%.

[Read more: Utah is changing how it measures the rate of positive COVID-19 tests. Here’s what that means.]

Totals to date • 355,122 cases; 1,738 deaths; 13,889 hospitalizations; 2,079,688 people tested.


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