Nutter refuses to wear a mask and curses the flight attendant on my United Airlines flight


I wrote about all kinds of mask incidents on board during the pandemic, but I ended up witnessing an incident firsthand … a lunatic on a recent flight from Denver to Los Angeles who refused repeatedly wearing his mask and cursed a flight attendant.

Drunk Nutter curses and resists mask order on my United Airlines flight to LA

I had settled into my seat when I first noticed that the man in front of me was not wearing a mask. In such incidents, I’m happy to mind my own business and let the flight attendants take care of it, but it clearly wasn’t an oversight: he was deliberately not wearing his mask.

He started chatting with his seatmate, a guy who was wearing a KN95 mask properly and probably way too polite. I’m not going to repeat his exact language, as it was incredibly rude, but some of the topics he touched on:

  • The election was stolen from Donald Trump
  • COVID-19 is a hoax
  • These masks are just the government trying to control us

The man was also drunk. Clearly drunk.

At two points in the boarding process, he was told to put on his mask and did so briefly, before immediately removing it once the flight attendants retreated to the galley.

Meanwhile, the man shared his opinions with his seatmate on a wide range of issues, some of which I’ve captured below from my seat behind them:

Eventually, the door closed and one of the flight attendants did a final cabin check to make sure the seat belts were properly fastened. Once again, the man had his mask pulled down under his chin.

And then the famous last words of the FA:

“Are we going to have a problem today?” “

The man turned to the flight attendant, lifted the mask and shook his head.

After the flight attendant walked away, the mask came off again and the man returned to his goofy rant… without his mask.

He revealed to his seatmate that he had just been ejected from a Southwest Airlines flight for not wearing a mask, walked over to the United counter and booked the last first class ticket on our flight. towards Los Angeles.

This kind of admission makes me rethink Delta’s proposal to share a “naughty” list among American airlines …

> Read more: Delta wants to come to an agreement with other airlines to ban “bad” passengers

Problem in the air

Once we have reached our curse cruising altitude, another flight attendant circled the cabin to take orders for drinks and dinners. The man wanted strong alcohol and the flight attendant, after reminding him to put his mask back on, refused.

“Sir, you’ve had enough for now. We’ll check back in about an hour or so.

It made the man enraged. He leaned over to his seatmate and said:

“Whores. They are all whores. They don’t like alpha males. She doesn’t like me because I’m a strong white man.

Keep in mind that during this time the flight attendant, a black woman, was standing in the aisle.

In an amazing display of professionalism, she kept her cool and asked what he would like for dinner. He ordered chicken and water.

She came back with her meal and he took off his mask and began to eat.

Over the next hour, he spent most of his time talking to his seatmate (same thing…). He was twice told to put his mask on between bites and sips, mostly because there was so much space between them, but he responded by raising his mug, to signify he was drinking. There was no verbal recognition.

He seemed to have sobered up a bit after an hour, because when the flight attendant returned to get his meal tray, he apologized for insulting her.

Still, that didn’t stop him from not wearing a mask for most of the flight recall.

No way i’m talking

I realize that taking pictures and videos and later writing about it instead of talking can be interpreted as passive aggression, but even though this guy was a head shorter than me, I was not. mood for confrontation. He was quite combative and the last thing I needed was an invitation to a duel.

It was especially wise because I met him pulling on an electronic cigarette (still talking to his poor seatmate who needs to grow a pair and tell people to shut up when they bother him) on the way from the Uber parking lot to LAX.

The mask policy is not my policy to apply and it is not for me to correct unruly passengers. But I was tempted. The sad twist of it was that there was a five year old boy, the same age as my son, sitting behind me. He heard it all too. No child should be forced to endure this level of blasphemy.


The flight attendants on this flight deserve to be commended for their patience. Can you imagine being cursed and taking it with grace and dignity? I think we would have sidetracked on other airlines and am grateful we didn’t go back to Denver or end up in Las Vegas or somewhere between DEN and LAX.

Whether that passenger was just drunk or really believed in all the venom he was spitting out (plus the dirty language), doesn’t matter. Talking to a flight attendant about how he did it should put him on United’s banned travelers list. Hope these photos and videos will be helpful in holding him accountable.


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