NXT Recap & Reactions (Aug 24, 2021): Disagree until we’re tied


Culture clash with culture

You all know I love Hit Row probably as much or more than Kyle loves The Blade. They’re my wrestling Wu-Tang Clan, and I truly believe they’re nothing that F ‘with. But there are times when this beef with Legado Del Fantasma we have the impression that it could derail. The feud plays with race and ethnic traditions to reinforce the differences between the two factions.

We’re not in insignificant territory yet, and I hope we never get there, but I have to recognize the giraffe in the room before I even dig into the fight. Costs? Costs.

Remember a few weeks ago when I juxtaposed the unity of Hit Row with the lack of unity of Legado Del Fantasma? Yeah that’s not a thing anymore. Santos Escobar’s squad performed like a Swiss watch in this match, handing out punishment to their primary target, Isaiah “Swerve” Scott, and cutting the ring in the process. It was a thing of beauty if you are a team wrestling fan. Eventually, thanks to Top Dolla, Hit Row got the upper hand because, well, you saw Top Dolla.

At one point in the match, the man had the three members of the Legado Del Fantasma on his shoulders and knocked them down. An adult man picked up three other adult men and dropped them as if they were infants.


But then the momentum built with Escobar and his team once the big man was tagged and they continued to work their team magic. That said, it still wasn’t enough to tidy up the Row. And if we know anything about groups with the word “Row” in their names, you must have an army of equal size to compete. Which brings us to the end.

B-FAB is still the rare demonic here. She watches over the boys whenever the chicane is going on. So, in typical B-FAB fashion, she stepped in when it seemed like Santos didn’t want to play fair. Well, Santos, Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza can count and they know four beats three each time.

Enter Elektra Lopez.

Elektra Lopez took a lead pipe in B-FAB’s stomach and that’s where things got weird. After admiring his handiwork – B-FAB rolling in agony – Lopez threw the pipe at Swerve, who grabbed it for… reasons. Then, as he argued with the referee over the lead pipe he wasn’t going to use but didn’t want to drop, Santos coiled him up for a 1-2-3 semi. long.

The show and the match end with a four-on-four competition.

It was a great game and a great way to end a fantastic night on the TV. These two crews hate each other and call in another woman to level the playing field and giving B-FAB something to do is a great idea. But that ending landed like a ton of bricks.

If there’s one thing I hate about everything I watch, it’s when normally intelligent characters act stupid because the story needs it. Instead of finding a smart way to get from point A to point B, someone is acting out of character out of necessity. It’s a bit lazy.

It doesn’t spoil the game as it is clearly a new wrinkle, and it certainly doesn’t spoil the show. But there’s a better way to give the Legado Del Fantasma the W, add Elektra to the equation, and not make the North American champion look better equipped for a donkey cap than a championship belt. .

This king … he’s so wild


Samoa Joe … I’m sorry, the NXT champion Samoa Joe, is such a poet. The man stepped out into the ring, grabbed a microphone, and told a story of savages, kings, cold looks and colder shoulders. This is the type of Hip Hop energy that I can support.

But Pete Dunne, Kyle O’Reilly, and LA Knight clearly can’t. Joe wanted a new challenger and these three cats just stepped up. And they each have fair points.

Pete Dunne: He and Joe have tango in the past and he’s ready to dance again.

LA Knight: It’s a smart big ass rocking my favorite Air Jordan 12 color variants.

Kyle O’Reilly: Not only did he beat Adam Cole 2-1 at TakeOver 36, he called this man Samoa Joseph, which made me laugh a few times.

Before Kyle could get serious for a moment, the man currently in possession of the best hat in WWE, Ridge Holland, attacked a sick O’Reilly. rock Make a Dunne attacked Joseph during the commotion, which caused Mr. Ciampa to come out from behind to finish the job on Dunne which he did not complete earlier.

It’s wrestling, so a brawl ensues. When the dust cleared, Joe and Ciampa engaged in an intense gaze with Pete and his muscles.

Hey, NXT, please choose violence and give me this match. Thank you.

Carmelo Hayes launches his own Iliad

Carmelo Hayes says that when he comes to pick up the king, he doesn’t fail. The final of the NXT Breakout tournament was Hayes fighting the mountain of one man and big favorite, Odyssey Jones. In a tale as old as time, NXT gave us the David x Goliath story because it still works. Especially when David is so much fun to watch. But in this case, Goliath is not a jerk or a berserk.

They are two friendly cats fighting for a title. Hayes didn’t have a slingshot, but he gave the giant everything he had, even his chisel cut to the top string. But nothing, not a single thing, held the fat man back. Even when Jones hit the rug, he got up faster than a kid on Christmas morning.

Carmelo got the W by simply maneuvering his opponent. Jones was exhausted and due to his exhaustion he got a little lazy on a blanket. Hayes flipped the pin, used Jones’ momentum against him in the crucifix and now has a chance to win any title he wants.

It took just three seconds for Jones not to be at his best for Hayes to prove his cunning can win him a lot of games. It was this same attribute that caused him to refrain from choosing a champion to face. Carmelo Hayes will choose his place. Intelligent man.

Extracurricular activities

Married in a hurry!

Indi Hartwell and Dexter Lumis have set a wedding date, and Wade Barrett can’t take it! Barrett’s disgust for this whole business remains one of the most entertaining things on Tuesday nights. I will shed a tear on September 14 when this racing gag comes to a tragic end.

Wrestling marriages never end well, so what kind of shenanigans can we expect in three weeks? Especially with indi’s father Johnny Gargano asks Commissioner Regal to intervene. Guess he wants Regal to organize a match during the wedding? Or … yeah, I don’t know how he thought this conversation would end.

Either way, look for Johnny Wrestling to do whatever he can to avoid becoming Johnny stepfather.

Also? New shirts! If I wasn’t against the couple’s name, I’d take one.

Ridge Holland finally makes his wish come true

Ridge Holland finally got what he wanted tonight. Timothy Thatcher has had his moments, most definitely. but that was the Ridge Holland show. Holland is too strong, too tall, and a whole bunch of other adjectives we use to describe someone who looks like Ridge.

Ironically. the thing that revitalized Holland when Thatcher put it on the ropes was his hatred for Tommaso Ciampa. Rather than focusing on the pain his reconstructed ankle felt during a submission, he focused on Ciampa and channeled his rage into a mini screaming match.

An Emerald Flowsion later and it was good evening, Timothy. Returning from the dead, Oney Lorcan x Danny Burch showed up for the reindeer games as Holland, Pete Dunne, Lorcan and Burch pitched the standard post-match beat on the good guys.

Which is a real shame, because I really wanted to see Holland put that hat back on and walk around the locker room like a real gentleman.

As a result of the violence, Thatcher is absent “indefinitely”, inspiring Pete Dunne and his boys to focus directly on Ciampa. If only he had a Joseph to watch his back …

Kacy Catanzaro x Kayden Carter Look Beyond The Competition

Kacy and Kayden quickly worked with Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne. Once the two top-flight ladies got the W, they immediately walked over to the commentary table and reiterated that they wanted a shot at the NXT Women’s Tag titles. Which makes me wonder, what is NXT doing on behalf of Wu-Tang with these tag titles? I want to know, and Kacy and Kayden too.

They barely got a sweat and once those tag titles expire, or whoever they are, I hope they can wear them.

As for the losing team? Mandy Rose, looking like a cult leader, consoled them and told them to come with her if they wanted to live. Hooray for the indoctrination.

Too much to bear for her

You know those games where someone established faces someone who barely gets an entry? I still feel bad for the person who is clearly cannon fodder. Valentina Feroz starred in that role tonight as Kay Lee Ray tore her like a blowtorch through butter. Kay’s dominance in NXT UK makes her a legend, so she had to make a statement in her first game on Tuesday night. Consider the statement heard.

Kay Lee Ray played with Ms. Feroz until finishing her off with a gory bomb. Poor, Valentina. Maybe next time?

Here is a new competitor!

Raquel González must feel like the most popular girl in school. First Kay Lee Ray wants a piece of her, now Franky Monet wants it too! I think a triple threat game is in the immediate future.

The diamond mine is doing stuff

Roderick Strong is throwing another open challenge next week. Meh

Surprise, Boa. You lost!

Boa looked away from the prize for instructions from Mei Ying and ate a fist from Xyon Quinn. It sucks to be him. I guess it’s going somewhere. I just hope they let us know where this place is and soon because I’m losing interest.

Monopoly Money Man

The sigh. So this whole feud between LA Knight and Cameron Grimes for the Million Dollar Championship was for naught? Long story short, Grimes returned the belt to Dibiase, only for Dibiase to insist that Grimes keep it. Except it turns out he gave Grimes a belt replica, then chuckled on the Florida night. Nah, that’s not it.

Note: A

It was a top-down dope show. I don’t know what NXT will look like in a few weeks, even if it will be brighter, but I hope that energy and rhythm will stick. Matches that were supposed to tell longer stories were long, while shorter matches served their purpose as well. We even engaged Kyle O’Reilly in a new feud with Duke Hudson for good measure.

NXT set the table very well when TakeOver 36 launches. As usual, show Claire some love for her live blog.

This is my grade and I’m sticking to it. Your turn.


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