Oath Keepers chief waited for Trump’s leadership ahead of Capitol attack, DOJ says


“As the inauguration approached, [Jessica] Watkins has indicated she is awaiting instructions from President Trump, “prosecutors wrote in a filing Thursday morning.

This is the most blunt language to date by federal prosecutors linking Trump’s demands for support in Washington, DC, to the more militant aspects of the insurgency.

Previously, the Justice Department had somewhat refrained from linking Trump’s comments so closely to the actions of the extremist group during the riot. At least four defendants this week argued in court that they followed Trump’s instructions to get to the Capitol building on January 6.

The Justice Department’s file continued: “Her concern to take action without her support was evident in a November 9, 2020 text in which she said: ‘I’m afraid this is an elaborate trap. Unless POTUS itself activates us, that’s not legitimate. POTUS has the right to activate units too. If Trump asks me to come, I will. If not, I can’t do it. confidence. Watkins had received his desired signal at the end of December. “

Prosecutors in the case are arguing to keep Watkins in jail pending trial. She was arrested several weeks ago and has been charged with conspiracy and other charges related to the Capitol riots.
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Prosecutors describe Watkins as a military veteran who is now a leader in the broader right-wing militia movement, who has played a role in a group called the Ohio State Regular Militia and a key player who acts and communicates with others once inside the Capitol on January 6.

She recruited at least two people for the insurgency and was training others to be in “fighting form” for the presidential nomination, prosecutors said in Thursday’s filing.

On a radio app that day, she said her group consisted of 30 to 40 people, according to prosecutors.

Watkins reportedly had a “steadfast dedication to violently obstructing” Joe Biden’s certification as president, prosecutors in the case said. “Crimes of this magnitude, committed with such zeal, belies any conditions of release that would reasonably ensure the safety of the community or that Watkins could be trusted.”

They note that she said on the radio station, “We’re in the main dome right now. We’re shaking it.”

The Justice Department also said Watkins wore camouflage fatigues and combat gear, including a tactical vest, boots and helmet, and spoke to other oath wardens by radio.

“Unlike the vast majority, Watkins had been training and plotting for a time like this,” prosecutors wrote.

This story has been updated with additional developments.


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