Obituary of Kansas COVID-19 victim detonates anti-masks


The obituary of a Kansas man who died of COVID-19 blasted people who don’t wear masks amid the pandemic.

According to the obit, Marvin J. Farr, 81, died Tuesday in his retirement home with no family by his side after contracting the virus. He has become one of more than 275,000 people who have died from the coronavirus in the United States.

“He died in a room that is not his, being taken care of by people dressed in confusing and frightening ways,” the post read. “He died with COVID-19, and his final days were more difficult, more frightening and more lonely than necessary. He was not surrounded by friends and family.”

The play describes how Marvin was born as the United States recovered from the Great Depression and prepared to enter World War II – “times of loss and sacrifice hard for most of us to imagine” .

“Americans would be urged to ration essential supplies and send their children around the world to fight and die in wars of unfathomable destruction,” the obituary reads. “He died in a world where many of his fellow Americans refuse to wear a piece of cloth over their faces to protect each other.”

The obit says that Marvin, who was a farmer and a member of the local church, saw no conflict between the science of his professional life and his personal beliefs. The obituary pointed out that Marvin would also take care of the people who “hurt him the most,” saying it is a “sentiment echoed by healthcare workers who struggle to do their jobs as their own communities turn around. against them or make their work more difficult ”.

In a Facebook post, Courtney Farr said her late father has been in isolation since Thanksgiving and they both enjoy discussing politics. Courtney admitted that the obituary was meant to be “political” for this reason and because it would generate debate.

In response to the overwhelming support, Courtney encouraged others to donate to local hospital foundations, homeless shelters, immigrant support organizations and the elderly as the cold weather arrives.

“This winter will be tough for everyone, but it will be the toughest for our most vulnerable people,” Courtney said.

The obit echoes similar fierce criticisms of a Arizona father obituary written by his daughter, Kristin Urquiza. She told CBSN in July that her father’s death was “completely preventable” and blamed politicians for their “recklessness.”


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