OC embarks on public relations offensive to convince skeptics that COVID-19 vaccines are safe


As the number of COVID-19 infections continues to rise in Orange County – flooding hospitals and putting more strain on the region’s health system – county officials on Tuesday approved the hiring of a company public relations campaign to help reassure residents about the safety and effectiveness of coronavirus vaccines.

The move comes as county officials announced on Tuesday that residents 65 and older are now eligible to receive the vaccine, marking a significant expansion in access.

The decision followed new guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and preceded the state’s official recommendation.

“My goal is to reduce hospitalizations and deaths as quickly as possible, and we need to prioritize our vaccine allocation to protect the most vulnerable in our community,” said Dr Clayton Chau, County Health Officer and Director of the health care agency. .

The developments are the latest signs of increased vaccine availability. Thursday, California has called on counties to open the first phase of eligibility to a larger pool of health workers, including public health field staff, primary care clinics, specialty clinics, laboratory workers, dental clinics and pharmacy staff.

The county also advised residents not to visit the newly opened vaccination site at Disneyland Resort without an appointment.

The supervisory board voted to hire Costa Mesa’s marketing consultant, Idea Hall, to develop a plan to reach communities that have expressed skepticism about getting the vaccine.

Although county officials have not specified which communities they will focus on, a recent survey by the Orange County Health Care Agency indicated that women, those aged 35 to 54, Latin Americans and blacks and residents of Anaheim, Costa Mesa and Santa Ana showed the lowest willingness to be vaccinated.

“Is it urgent that we have to do?” Yes, because unlike testing, it requires training. Education and awareness takes time, ”said Chairman of the Board Andrew Do. “You are not going to convince people with an announcement, a touch, a meeting. You need multiple contacts from multiple sources they believe in … to brief them on the process and then reduce vaccine resistance. “

Although the scientific evidence is clear regarding the safety and effectiveness of vaccines after trials involving tens of thousands of participants, including the elderly and those with chronic illnesses, some remain skeptical. The vaccines have been recommended for all adults except those who have had a severe allergic reaction to any of the ingredients.

The health agency’s survey, completed late last year, determined that “vaccine safety needs to be addressed in all groups, and some groups need to be concerned about the issues of protecting others from the disease. vaccination and the severity of the disease.

Overall, 58% of the more than 26,000 survey respondents indicated they would be ready to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

The results are similar to a poll conducted last year by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, which showed that only about half of the American population planned to get vaccinated. That’s a far cry from the 70% of the population that some experts say must be vaccinated to gain herd immunity, or the point at which enough people are protected for the coronavirus to stop spreading quickly.

“It is clear that the will to be vaccinated against COVID-19 is much lower than the past or present will to be vaccinated against the seasonal flu,” the survey indicates.

Since last week, more than 56,000 people have been vaccinated in Orange County. The county received 176,000 doses on Tuesday from the state as it prepares to speed up what has been a slower-than-expected deployment process. On Monday, the county announced that the first of five full-scale vaccination centers – dubbed super POD (distribution point) sites – will open this week at Disneyland in Anaheim.

People eligible for the vaccine are those at the highest priority level in the state, which includes workers in health and long-term care facilities.

“The coronavirus has caused both a public health crisis and economic devastation,” Anaheim Mayor Harry Sidhu said. “With this great site, we’ll start to overcome both. Every vaccination done in Anaheim will help save lives and speed up the reopening and recovery of our city. “

The county expects to be able to immunize 7,500 to 8,000 people per day in major centers. Ultimately, the county’s goal is to complete all vaccinations by July 4, Chau said.

Chau on Tuesday urged county leaders to move forward quickly with an awareness plan, warning that the flow of vaccines from the state to the county will slow if not used effectively. Vaccine reallocations have already taken place in other counties in California, he said.

Meanwhile, COVID-19-related hospitalizations in the county hit an all-time high this month, further stretching the beleaguered healthcare system. As of Monday, 2,221 people were hospitalized for COVID-19. Officials said 544 of those people – most of them over the age of 61 – were being treated in intensive care units.

Chau noted that restrictions on businesses and gatherings will continue until the county can increase its critical care availability, which remains at 0%. He choked on the supervisors of two grandparents who were the primary caregivers of their granddaughter – an eighth grader – until they died of COVID-19.

“We need to do something quickly in our community,” he said. “It’s not just about reopening our economy which is important. It’s about taking care of our vulnerable community. Our elders are dying and we must do all we can.


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