October 2021 Meg Cullen-Brown Magis Award Winner


The Staff Senate would like to thank all staff members who have taken the time to recognize and share the accomplishments, sense of community and dedication to excellence of their colleagues. the mega Cullen The Brown Magis Award wouldn’t exist without our caring community!

THE MEG CULLEN-The BROWN MAGIS AWARD WINNER for October 2021 is: Maureen Carlton-Financial Aid.

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate and celebrate the good work that Maureen is doing. on a daily basis. We hope you will join us in personally congratulating Maureen and all of our October candidates.

Maureen will receive a certificate worth $ 50 of free food at our fabulous University food service outlets, as well as a reserved parking space in the DeNaples parking pavilion for the month of October. Each monthly winner is also invited to the Senate recognition event in May to receive a certificate of appreciation. We congratulate our winner and all the other nominees for being recognized as “Magis” employees.

From Maureen:

What I love most about my job is that no day is ever the same in financial aid. Every day I am faced with new challenges and situations that help me to stay focused.

For fun, I like to travel, wherever there is a beach! “

Nominees for October 2021:

Maureen Carlton – Financial Aid

Fall Forgione – Nursing

Chad McCall – Computer Science

Karl Johns, Technology Support Center

Jill Lear – Nursing

Ray Frey – Computer Science

Scott McFadden – Installations

Ellen Morgan – Counseling Center


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