Ohio coronavirus cases continue uptrend with highest number in Sunday report in two months


CLEVELAND, Ohio – The state reported 495 new cases of the coronavirus on Sunday, making it the largest Sunday since 683 on May 23.

The seven-day average over the past week rose to 714 with the 495 cases reported on Sunday.

That’s the highest since the seven-day average of May 28.

The average dropped in late June and early July through the mid-200s for several days before the average began to rise.

Yet at the same time, more and more Ohioans are getting vaccinated.

The state has reported 444 people hospitalized with COVID-19, up from 200 on July 9 and the highest number since June 13 when it was 409.

In the past week, the state reported 50,868 first shots, up from 36,515 and 35,297 for the seven-day periods through each of the last two Sundays.

Learn more about coronavirus coverage at cleveland.com:

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