Old Google Pay Android app to lose P2P transfers plus


Late last year, Google launched a new Google Pay experience in the United States, based on what was once the Tez app in India. Google is now warning that starting in April, old Google Pay apps on Android, iOS, and the web will no longer be able to send or receive money.

The switch from the old Google Pay app to the new experience was somewhat confusing, with Android and iOS users encouraged to install a separate Flutter-based app and transfer their money to the new app to access rewards and After. At the same time, Google announced that it would stop the web app’s ability to send and receive money.

This afternoon, Google sent a notice to those who used the old Google Pay app, advising them that the old Android, iOS, and web apps would stop working for sending, receiving, and transferring money. starting April 5. Your Google Pay account balance at this time will need to be viewed with the updated app or manually transferred to your bank account by Google Support.

Likewise, old Google Pay apps will no longer be able to show your recent activity and transactions. While it may appear that the original Google Pay Android app will indeed be dead, one of the things it should work for is to access your digital wallet, including your credit / debit cards, membership cards, and transit passes. . Even if you’re using the new Google Pay experience, accessing the old app’s wallet on Android is still useful as the new Google Pay can only be used on one device at a time.

The timing of this migration is particularly interesting as the updated Google Pay app is still listed as “Early Access” in the Play Store. It’s unclear if the app will be upgraded from Early Access before the April deadline or how these changes will affect areas where the new Google Pay isn’t available, if at all.

Along with the migration to the new Google Pay app, April 5 also marks the effective date of the new Google Pay Terms of Service. While most of the changes are relatively uninteresting, it’s worth noting that – at least in the US – the minimum age for having a Google Pay account is dropping from 16 to 18.

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