Omaha Bound: Auburn crushes UNC in the 1st world college series since 1997


To mark the first leg of the game – the first leg of what would be a historic round – the Tigers basically did not do anything. The starting pitcher from North Carolina has gone through the first four batters of the match, a round scored the first of many.

To score the next 12 points from Auburn in the first run, they used their bats. The Tigers sent 17 men to the plate, it lasted 50 minutes, 13 points were scored, 65 shots were thrown, five lanes were made and there was even a mistake to extend it along the way.

In the end, Auburn had done everything to qualify for its first World College World Series in 22 years – and North Carolina had not seen any land yet.

The Tigers have never been threatened in their 14-7 win. The defeat exorcised the demons of a heartbreaking defeat in the heats in a decisive game in the North Carolina Super Region last season. Seven players from Auburn had several hits, and eight players had a shot in the first run only.

Judd Ward, who had not reached the base in all the Super Regional, went twice in the first inning, including a decisive three-point homer in the right field. Matt Scheffler, who was 2-22 of 22 in the playoffs, managed a single with two innings to reach the score of 13-0. And Auburn, who failed to score all of Sunday, scored the second-highest number of points in an NCAA tournament round, ever.

Auburn executed his pitch plan perfectly. They decided at the last minute to incorporate Tanner Burns into a basic role, but use it early and avoid trouble in the first leg of the first two games. He launched two runs without a hit. Richard Fitts came in and allowed five points in 5.1 innings – on two homers. Cody Greenhill is done again.

Head coach Butch Thompson spoke of the position that Auburn was entering in his last game of the regular season. They were in the 13-17 year old conference record – and had lost two straight games against LSU, about to sweep, two points in the ninth inning. A loss, and there was no guarantee that the AU would participate in the NCAA tournament. A two-run homer matched the match and Auburn won in extra heat.

This is a testimony of the season that has been for Auburn. One with hurt and unreliable pitching. One with an offense that was incredibly unproductive. But Auburn gave himself a chance and took advantage of it in a historic way.

In the playoffs, Auburn wore his camouflage hat throughout the NCAA tournament, with a patch on the back commemorating Rod Bramblett, killed in a car crash just two days after the return of the tournament team from the SEC.

The hometown TV broadcaster was in its fourth season when the Tigers participated in the College World Series. Before the playoffs, Auburn was committed to playing for him and his wife Paula. It is a pledge that they promised to follow the most magical moments of this post-season.

The Auburn race at the College World Series was just magical. And with each of his gains, he galvanizes even more a community in mourning.

And now, they will go to Mecca University Baseball, looking for a national championship.


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