Omaha daycare closes after UK variant COVID-19 outbreak


OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) – A daycare in northwest Omaha that made headlines last week for more than 100 positive COVID-19 cases traced to the daycare announced Sunday that it was temporarily closing.

In a press release sent to families, Rosewood Academy, said they were temporarily and voluntarily shutting down all of its sites for two weeks.

Dear Rosewood Academy Families:

We cannot thank you enough for your continued support as we navigate this devastating social media attack on Rosewood Academy. The ratings we have received from many of you regarding the positive experiences your children are having at Rosewood Academy and the continued confidence you have in Rosewood Academy have given us the strength to weather this storm. We really appreciated your support.

Unfortunately, it has become clear to us that we must devote 100% of our immediate time and energy to defending our business and our reputation throughout this investigation. We are not heavy users of social media and we have absolutely underestimated how people will use the internet to spread rumors and misinformation that can lead to devastating results. This smear campaign, which was orchestrated by a handful of individuals and carried out behind their iPhone, pushed us there. The day will come when these people will be forced to voice their demands aloud, after being sworn in and under penalty of perjury.

In the meantime, for this reason, we are making the heartbreaking decision to temporarily and voluntarily close all of our sites for the next two weeks. We know the difficulties this imposes on many of you and we are very sorry for that. Please understand that we want Rosewood Academy to be there for you in the long term and therefore we have to make this difficult decision in the short term.

We know how busy our families are, and that’s why we haven’t asked you to contact the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to share your support for Rosewood Academy. But if you are all inclined to do so, we would be very grateful. You can reach DHHS at (402) 471-6564 or at [email protected].

The Douglas County Health Department said on Friday that more than 100 positive cases of COVID-19 – a “significant” number of them the UK variant – have been traced to Rosewood Academy; and that a possible second epidemic linked to an “event” is under investigation.

Rosewood Academy has sent 6 News a statement regarding the announcement.

Kelli Hansen of Rosewood Academy today emailed families enrolled in her daycare and preschool to inform them that she is temporarily and voluntarily closing her three facilities for the next two weeks. Rosewood Academy devotes 100% of its immediate time and energy to defending its business and reputation against the misrepresentation recently circulating on social media platforms. Rosewood Academy is not a heavy user of social media and has underestimated how people will use the internet to spread rumors, misinformation and make reckless statements. Rosewood Academy has received at least one recent phone call from a social media commentator who has expressed remorse and acknowledged that the statements the individual has posted on social media about Rosewood Academy are false.

6 News will continue to provide updates.

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