On September 11, a grieving person criticizes the representative Ilhan Omar and "the team" during a speech


Nicholas Haros Jr. of New Jersey wore a t-shirt evoking Omar's remarks in March before the Council on American-Islamic Relations, in which she stated: "CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people had acted and began to lose access to our civil liberties ". After reading the names of some of the victims on Wednesday during the commemoration of the 18th anniversary of the attacks, Haros Jr. said: "Some people have done something," while showing his shirt on which these words were printed. The moment came when he spoke of his late father, Francis Haros, aged 76, as well as friends and co-workers who died during the World Trade Center attacks.

"Some people have done something," said a new member of the Minnesota Congress, "To support and justify the creation of CAIR, today I am here to tell you exactly who did what to whom", he said applauded by some members of the audience. "Madam, objectively, we know who and what has been done, there is no uncertainty about it, why your confusion?"

"That day, 19 Islamist Al Qaeda terrorists killed more than 3,000 people and caused billions of dollars in economic damage." Is not it clear? But for whom? J & # 39, have been attacked, your relatives and friends have been attacked.Our constitutional freedoms have been violated, attacked.And our nation, founded on Judeo-Christian principles, has been attacked.Is what some people have done You have it now? "He continued. "We are here today, members of Congress, to tell you, to you and the team, who did what to whom, show respect by honoring them, please." American patriotism – in your place, demand it. "

Omar and the representatives. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts are now known as "The Squad" on Capitol Hill. The four progressive women of color have been extensively reviewed, and critics of President Donald Trump and Republicans have quarreled with Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi in her bid to displace the Democratic Party. to the left and attracted controversy, especially about their criticism of the American relationship with Israel.

Haros Jr. told CNN on Wednesday that Omar's previous remarks "have hurt me, my family, and other victims of 9/11 families," they said. I felt son of a victim to take action and rectify the facts. "

He stated that it was time to speak and that his remarks were not political.

"I was not talking to a woman, a woman of color, or a democrat, these are remarks addressed to a woman of the Congress who should have sympathy for her American compatriots," he said.

Omar's office declined to comment on critics of Haros when CNN arrived Wednesday, but earlier Wednesday. Omar tweeted In his personal account, "September 11th was an attack on us all," adding, "I will continue to fight to ensure that we take care of first responders and families who have lost loved ones." A video of Omar showing how the 9/11 attacks affected him was also tweeted from his congressional account.

Referring to these tweets, Haros Jr. told CNN that "Omar" had shown respect for the loss of families, and that was a good thing.

Trump tweeted a video in April using footage from 9/11 attacking Omar's remarks in March, but the one-minute video posted by Trump did not include Omar's comments. in their context. The congressman – who was being defended by the Democrats while conservative circles sharply criticized her statements – said at the time that she had seen an increase in the number of death threats.
In her first remarks after the president's tweet on the video, Omar condemned in April what she called Trump's "despicable attacks" and her "insane views," claiming at the time: "When this White House occupier chooses to attack me, we know We know that this attack is not for Ilhan, it is a continuation of the attacks he launched against women, people of color, immigrants, refugees and certainly Muslims. "


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