On the way to the moon, Beresheet ends another maneuver – Israel News


On the way to the moon, Beresheet performs another maneuver

From ground telescopes, this cosmic object – the glowing remains of a dying star, looks like a sun – looks like the head and chest of a garden ant. This image of the NASA / ESA Hubble Space Telescope, published February 1, 2001, of the so-called "ant (Ant) nebula" (Menzel 3 or Mz3) shows even more details.
(photo credit: REUTERS)


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Israeli spacecraft Beresheet On Tuesday, at 2:30 pm, IAI and SpaceIL reported on a successful maneuver, in a press release.

The maneuver was to activate the engine for a minute while the engineering team was preparing to optimize the trajectory of the spacecraft until lunar capture.

If all goes as planned, Beresheet will reach the moon on April 4th.

The landing site on the moon had already been announced as the northeastern part of Mare Serenitatis [Sea of Serenity], a few hundred kilometers east of 1971 Apollo 15 Landing site and a similar distance to the northwest of 1972 Apollo 17 site.

Called the Sea of ​​Serenity, it is actually a lunar plane created by volcanic eruptions that look dark to those watching the moon from Earth.

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