One study reveals that penis enlargement surgeries do not work


We assume that size does not matter after all.

New research found that penis enlargement surgery was not working and was ineffective.

The Guardian reports that research on penis enlargement procedures has also revealed that operations leave men physically and psychologically scarred.

One expert said that operations should almost never be conducted and that men were exploited by "charlatans".

According to a study by British experts, very little evidence suggests that penis enlargement surgeries actually produce these results.

The review also found that the procedures presented a high risk of complications, including permanent numbness.

"[The review] Overall treatment outcomes were poor, with low satisfaction rates and a high risk of major complications, including penile deformity, shortening, and erectile dysfunction, "said the authors.

The findings of the study are summarized in a new article in the journal Sexual Medicine Reviews, which reports an analysis of Gordon Muir, urologist at King's College Hospital in London, and researchers at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience from King's College London.

"These procedures should almost never be done," said Muir. "They can cost up to £ 30,000 or £ 40,000. Often, the man ends up with a disfigured penis and there is no more than 20% satisfaction rating with regard to these procedures. "

The experts examined 17 previous studies evaluating 21 types of procedures, surgical and non-surgical, performed on 1,192 men, in the UK and abroad.

The most common procedures involve injections of dermal fillers into the penis and an operation called a suspensory ligament incision, during which the surgeon makes an incision above the penis and divides the ligament that anchors it.

"The vast majority of men wishing to lengthen their penis have a penis of quite normal length, but they often feel that their penis is too small," said Muir.

Most of the operations are performed by private health operators.


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