Now that Google I / O 2019 is completely over, let's go back to 2018, when the company announced some exciting new features for Google Photos: Color Pop and Colorize. Color Pop, which allows users to easily apply a black and white filter to the background of an image to give the subject a nice "pop", was deployed just days after the 2018 entry. . Today, the company is finally updating us on this front and is launching a beta program to try the tool.

The explicit Colorize feature was introduced last year to bring old black and white photos to life. It has been touted as one of the improvements made possible by TensorFlow machine learning.

Of course, a 20-second demo does not tell you everything about Colorize's research and development, but what does not help is that literally no news was reported at that time.

What finally allowed Google to talk? On Twitter, David Lieb, Product Manager for Photos, responded to a call about the company's radio silence on Colorize and said the feature was still under construction.

When you try to transform an image into color, precision is required and the work is hard enough for humans to do. Artificial intelligence developers could find help to use a new tool called TCAV – highlighted this year by I / O – to analyze how they can best form the "vision" of their neural networks.

Lieb followed this article with another message saying that his team was hoping to open a beta to test the feature, but there is no schedule.