Only five countries in the world have administered more COVID-19 vaccines than California


After a rocky start, California’s vaccine distribution efforts are so vast that they rival many countries in the world.

California has distributed 10.6 million vaccines, according to the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Dashboard. (That’s over 20% of the state’s population over the age of 16.)

Gov. Gavin Newsom cited the statistic in a tweet Sunday where he compared the vaccine rollout in California to that of the world’s most populous countries, including China and India.

If the state were its own nation, it would rank sixth in distribution, behind the United States, China, India, the United Kingdom and the entire European Union, the tweet said. California has only recently surpassed all of Brazil.

Considering California’s population of 39.5 million people, more than Canada, for example, it of course makes sense that California distributed so many vaccines.

But the fact that California has vaccinated more people than a country like Germany – although Germany has almost double California’s population – is impressive.

It puts the countless challenges of immunizing the most populous state in the country into perspective.

California is no longer the last to distribute the vaccine based on supply used, but is still in the lower echelons of Bloomberg’s tracker – which places the state above Texas and New York, but well below Wisconsin, the state that used 92% of its doses on its population.

California also ranks below average, according to Johns Hopkins, in terms of the percentage of residents who are fully vaccinated. (Three million people have received both vaccines, but that’s only one-eighth of the population.)

Nonetheless, it seems Newsom remains optimistic that the vaccine rollout in California remains one of the most powerful in the world: “Hope is here”, he wrote in another tweet.


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