Oregon Dems Cave to GOP Senators, Drop Vaccine, Gun Bills


Oregon Senate GOP members do not need votes. They just needed the rules of their room and, more importantly, ways to qualify the bluffing democrats.

The Oregon government owns one of the country's 14 Democratic trifectas, which means that the party controls the House, the Senate and the governorship. According to the most optimistic theories, the North West state party leaders would provide a roadmap for other Democrats on how to effectively exercise legislative power. Instead, they are being pummeled by a minority Conservative party that has decided instead of working with them to pass sensuous laws on vaccination and gun control. They would put the entire chamber – and therefore the government – in a dead end.

according to Willamette WeekSenate Republicans have staged a week – long strike from last Tuesday. Although their votes are not generally necessary, their absence prevented the quorum (the minimum number of legislators required for a vote), which was necessary for him to vote and adopt the tax package supported by Governor Kate Brown. At first, it seemed that the claims of the party leaders about Oregon's public employee pension system debt were the only cause of the release from prison. But over the days, it was clear that the GOP had other goals in mind.

Speaking with OPB, GOP Senator Cliff Bentz said the Republicans had rejected all their demands before hijacking the chamber's voting power. The GOP sent his wish list to the Democrats at the beginning of the week, by OPB. Among the demands included the immediate killing of a trio of Democrat-backed bills, focused on increasing the storage conditions of firearms, strengthening immunization requirements and the introduction of a cap-and-trade system to combat climate change. This is in addition to the call by the Government of the Netherlands to return a bill on the financing of schools – a particularly delicate demand given that Oregon teachers marched Wednesday in the state capital to protest the large number of classes and the limited number of medical staff.

At the beginning of the negotiations, the Democrats seemed willing to stay strong. Senate Majority Leader Ginny Burdick told OPB on Wednesday that the gun bill would be dropped "above (his) corpse".

Unfortunately, this zeal quickly faded over the weekend. the The week The first time on Monday night, Democratic leaders of the state Senate had announced that they had agreed to table two bills referring Senate Bill 978, which included providing sanctions for property owners. Firearms that did not store their weapons properly. and House Bill 3063, which would have put an end to the non-medical exemptions granted to those who sought not to vaccinate their children.

Compare all this to the way the Wisconsin GOP has managed the Democrats who were fleeing the state to prevent the legislature from quarreling over the 2011 anti-union law: by threatening them, ordering Democratic lawmakers arrested and returned to the capital, then bill anyway via legislative maneuvers.

Although Democrats do not seem to run the immediate risk of losing their trifecta, allowing the GOP minority to overwhelm them instead of legislating, instead of legislating, has been promoted by the Oregonians. Admittedly, it is a difficult position, since they can not go ahead with legislative action without the republican organs; the movement of acquiescence to half of the republican demands is however a terrible loss.

Hoping that no (more) Oregon will have measles!


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