Oregon doctor refuses to wear mask, spreads COVID-19 theories


An Oregon doctor has stubbornly refused to wear a mask while treating patients – and dismisses the coronavirus as a “common cold,” according to a report.

“I want to expose what I call corona mania,” said Dr. Steven LaTulippe, doctor of family medicine at South View Medical Arts in Dallas, Ore., At a “Stop the Steal” rally on Nov. 7 in support. to President Trump, NBC News reported.

“I want you to know that I never quit during the entire COVID season. … Maybe I could scare you, but me and my staff, none of us have ever worn a mask in my clinic, ”added the healer denying science in a video posted on YouTube by the political group. Multnomah County Republicans.

“And how many problems have we had in our clinic because of it? Zero. Absolutely none, ”he added to the cheers of the crowd.

The doctor – who owns South View Medical Arts in Dallas, southwest of Portland, and says he has treated nearly 80 coronavirus patients – has been billed as a doctor who would speak out on “COVID myths.”

“We were completely duped, and I want you to know that this is madness and that the purpose was only to silence the American people. It is a threat to your freedom, a threat to our Constitution. I ask you all, take off the mask of shame, ”he said.

“It’s a mask that’s just designed to control and stop you,” added LaTulippe, who called the bug that has killed more than 276,000 people in the United States a “cold virus.”

LaTulippe defended his position in an interview with NBC News, saying he did not agree to make the use of masks mandatory because he thinks “there is bad science behind it “.

“I have absolutely no infectivity problem, and I have totally effective treatments, so I ask, ‘What’s the problem? Why would I be demonized if I know what I’m doing? he told the network on Wednesday.

“I have a very rigid protocol regarding the virus and influenza season in my clinic, and it has been working very well for me for years,” he added. “I have never seen myself or any of my staff get sick.”

Although LaTulippe refuses to wear a mask, he said he asks patients who believe they are infected or are showing symptoms of the disease to use them while he treats them in a disinfected back room before and after they leave. .

“I’m very interested in a strong medical practice and I’m interested in good science,” he told NBC News. “And when science and medicine get perverted by corrupt politics, then I’m ready to fight, and that’s what prompted me to attend this rally and say what I said.

Oregon Governor Kate Brown issued an executive order that requires medical professionals to wear masks, with a few exceptions, according to NBC affiliate KGW of Portland.

The Oregon Medical Council said in a statement that failure to follow state orders and guidelines can result in disciplinary action, NBC News reported. The council’s website showed no action against LaTulippe.


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