Oregon finds third case of highly contagious coronavirus variant


The Oregon Health Authority said on Sunday that a third Oregonian had tested positive for a new, highly contagious variant of the COVID-19 virus.

Sunday’s case in Washington County comes just a day after the state announced a second case in Oregon – in Yamhill County. The first two patients had no known travel history, which suggests that the virus is likely circulating in the state. However, health officials said the Washington County patient had traveled out of the country during the exposure period; he did not specify where.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Friday that the new variant, officially known as B.1.1.7, has been found in about two dozen states.

The new variant quickly spread in the UK, leading health authorities to conclude that it was more contagious. The authorities believe that the existing vaccines are probably effective against this mutation.

Oregon identified its first case of the most contagious strain earlier this month, linking it to a University of Portland employee.

After increasing last fall and during the holidays, the number of coronavirus cases in Oregon has declined sharply over the past 10 days. It is not clear that the trend will continue if the new variant prevails; authorities predict the new strain could account for a majority of cases in the next two months.

Health officials hope they can mitigate this spread by administering vaccines quickly before the new variant becomes widespread.

Correction: This article initially reported that the last patient identified with the mutant strain had not traveled. The health authority says this person has a travel history.

– Mike Rogoway | [email protected] | Twitter: @rogoway | 503-294-7699


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