Oregon investigates first death apparently related to vaping


Oregon investigates first death apparently related to vaping

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SALEM, Oregon. – (Update: middle-aged, second only death in the United States)

The Oregon Health Authority announced Tuesday that it was investigating the death of an individual suffering from a serious respiratory illness as a result of using of an electronic cigarette, also known as a vaping device, probably the first death of this type in the state of the country. .

Investigators from the OHA Public Health Division said they had received reports that this person, who died in July, had recently used an e-cigarette or vape machine containing cannabis purchased at the clinic.

No details on the age, sex or city of origin of the person were reported, apart from the fact that the person was of average age.

However, OHA officials stated that the individual's symptoms corresponded to those of more than 200 similar cases in a national group of respiratory diseases, affecting mainly adolescents and young adults, in at least 25 states. It would only be the second confirmed death related to a vaping.

"We do not yet know the exact cause of these diseases – whether due to contaminants, ingredients in the liquid or other factors, such as the device itself," Ann Thomas, M.D., public health doctor at OHA Public Health Division.

Patients who became ill were hospitalized with worsening symptoms, including shortness of breath, cough, chest pain, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, fever, or weight loss. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the affected states did not identify a cause, but all cases reported use or vaping of the electronic cigarette.

OHA investigators and local public health authorities urge clinicians to remain alert for signs of severe respiratory illness in patients who have recently used vaping products, including e-cigarettes, and to report all cases Clinicians can contact the epidemiologist on call at 971-673-1111.

Before new disease reports, the OHA was already concerned about the health risks of vaping products. A recent report by The agency details the health risks of products, including nicotine addiction, exposure to toxic chemicals that can cause cancer and increased blood pressure.

People who have recently used vaping products, such as electronic cigarettes, and who have difficulty breathing should seek immediate medical attention.

If you or someone you know is ready to quit, including vaping products such as electronic cigarettes, free help is available in the following resources:

For more information on OHA survey, visit healthoregon.org/acd.


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