Oshkosh school board meeting postponed after protesters disrupted, argument breaks out


OSHKOSH, Wis. (WBAY) – Wednesday night’s Oshkosh school board meeting was postponed after an argument broke out when community members protesting against the wearing of face masks by children at school disrupted the meeting.

The meeting started at 6 p.m. and around 20 to 30 protesters entered the room at the start. A small crowd of people who supported a masking policy were already inside, with signs.

Protesters who entered the room at the start of the meeting were instructed to put on a mask by members of the school board, and they refused to do so. Subsequently, a police officer reiterated that they had to wear a mask.

An argument quickly erupted between onlookers, which included people on both sides of the mask politics.

District officials told protesters that if they didn’t wear a mask, they wouldn’t hold a meeting.

The school board members left the room shortly after, then gathered in the superintendent’s office.

Community members from the Oshkosh and surrounding school district had scheduled a demonstration for 5 p.m. outside the building where the meeting was being held. The protest took place regarding the choice to have pupils wear a mask during the next school year.

A press release released ahead of the protest said parents were concerned about board members considering discussing mandatory face coverings for children in the district.

Protesters who refused to put on a mask when they entered the room also called out to police when officers asked them to put on a mask, asking if they would be arrested if they did not put one on.

“I have three granddaughters and grandchildren and I don’t want to see them wearing a mask at school, and I think it’s a freedom of choice and that’s what it should be. It’s our freedoms that we’re losing, ”said Joan Gosz, who has three grandchildren in the school district.

However, Richard Plant of Oshkosh replied, “These people are ignorant. We must protect our children. There is nothing wrong with wearing a mask. Doctors wear masks all day.

Board chairman Bob Poeschl was asked to comment on the situation and initially declined to do so.

The board members left the superintendent’s office after about 30 minutes, and Poeschel then entered the meeting room, where he announced that the meeting had been postponed.

Action 2 News was able to speak to Poeschl prior to his departure, who said he was “disappointed” with the way everyone acted.

“I’m not worried about disruptions, I’m worried about the message it sends to our community that if you’re not comfortable with something like this, you can come and disrupt current public works.” he said, adding, “It won’t change that we have masking requirements in the Oshkosh School District at this point.”

The masking policy was reinstated last Monday, with the expectation that the board would reassess it in 30 days.

This item was not on the agenda for this meeting.

With the start of the school year in a week, some expect the fight over masking to intensify.

“They got up and left without even hearing us. I think it’s just ridiculous, and the point is, we’re not going to stop. They had to leave today, they will have to leave several times because we are going to come back, ”said Kristy Walsh, parent of Oshkosh.

Although Wednesday’s meeting has been canceled, officials say they have yet to determine a future date and time.

The building was cleaned around 6:45 p.m. Wednesday.

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