Outdoor Walking Meetings Boost Your Physical and Mental Health


Walk Meetings offer the opportunity to add extra exercises (and steps to those that matter!) In your work day. And if you can make them outside, it's even better. Exposure to nature is also a great way to stimulate the mind and fight against stress.

"Many people often say that they do not have the time after work to go to the gym or exercise," said Dr. Alberto Caban-Martinez, who helped to conduct a walk meeting pilot study for the Miller School of Medicine at the University of Miami. "Our pilot study has shown that converting a portion of your work time into a walk meeting is really beneficial for cardiovascular health and, potentially, even for productivity."
In many sectors, productivity depends on creativity, and walk meetings can be helpful. Matt Jarvis, CEO of the 72andSunny advertising / creative agency, finds that they make a big difference:

"Creativity and innovation actually benefit from surprising leaps or side-thinking – one of the things that happens when you go out and you walk, you start to collide with your environment, and that's a great source of inspiration.I think you're a lot more creative and expansive out than you're staring at a screen. "

This idea was taken up by Richard Louv, naturalist and author of the "Principle of Nature". "A bit of nature goes further than we think, some studies show that 10 to 15 minutes outside, walking in a park, there is a measurable improvement in the mental attitude and the We need nature, we need contact with the natural world, even if it's trees around an office park. "
A walk in the park also has benefits for those who are no longer working. Another study from the University of Miami found that seniors living in the greenest parts of Miami had lower rates of chronic illness.

"Our research found that the presence of green spaces – trees, other forms of vegetation – was associated with lower rates of four different forms of heart disease," said Scott Brown, lead author of the study. "When our parents said" go out, "they might have been tempted by something."


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