Ovarian cancer called 'Whispering disease & # 39;


AURORA, Colorado – Peyton Linafelter is not an ordinary patient with ovarian cancer.

"I was diagnosed three years ago at my sixteenth birthday," she recalls. "My type of cancer was just spontaneous and he came out of nowhere."



like many other patients, these are not normally things that worry you. She had lower back pain and abdominal pain and suffered from bloating. Others feel satiated shortly after eating, feel nauseated, experience reflux, or experience changes in intestinal transit. Experts call the ovarian cancer "the murmuring disease."

"The symptoms tend to be things that are not very specific," said Dr. Saketh Guntupalli, the gynecologic oncologist who treats Peyton since the diagnosis.

"When she came to my home with stage 4b ​​cancer, I was very worried about her prognosis, but she really has been a morale booster for the last three years," added Dr. Guntupalli.

Although there is still no screening for ovarian cancer, researchers have been able to offer new treatments over the past 20 years, which have more than doubled survival. of the disease. According to Dr. Guntupalli, this includes things like personalized chemotherapy, making antibodies from a patient's blood cells, and nanotechnology.

"Research is an extremely important part of what I do and what we do here at UCHealth," said Dr. Guntupali. "So, we're just moving that needle further in this battle."

Three years after the diagnosis, Peyton is now a model that has traveled the world. She says she does not know if she would be performing today if she did not fight her cancer.

"I was a completely different person before and after the diagnosis," she said. "I just want people to know that they should not be scared, that they really live their lives after the cancer diagnosis and that they live it to the maximum, no matter what it means . "

You can help fight against ovarian cancer. The Colorado Ovarian Cancer Alliance is organizing its 10th annual

Jodi's awareness race

Saturday, June 8 at Denver's City Park Pavilion. Denver7 is a proud sponsor of

the race.


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