Over 100 black pastors write letter to Senator Loeffler denouncing campaign attacks on Reverend Warnock

[ad_1] More than 100 black pastors have signed a letter urging Georgia Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler to tone down her campaign’s attacks on Democratic challenger Reverend Raphael Warnock. In the letter, the group argued that Warnock’s past statements are not “radical” or “socialist” taken in context – and accused the senator of an “attack on … Read more

‘Worst is yet to come’ – LA County projects worsen spike in COVID-19 deaths and hospitalizations

[ad_1] LOS ANGELES (KABC) – Once again, Los Angeles County reports devastating new figures for COVID-19-related deaths and hospitalizations, indicating that the post-Thanksgiving outbreak continues to worsen as the holidays continue arrive. The county reported 145 new deaths on Wednesday, the highest total in one day since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. The county … Read more

‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ Prequel, ‘Color Purple’ Set 2023 theatrical release

[ad_1] Warner Bros. has announced release dates for three of its upcoming films: George Miller’s prequel “Mad Max: Fury Road”, titled “Furiosa”; a musical adaptation of “The Color Purple”; and the family film “Coyote vs. Acme”. All three films will debut in theaters in 2023. “Furiosa,” starring Anya Taylor-Joy in the title role, has been … Read more

What to know about the Packers’ first injury report of week 16

[ad_1] The Green Bay Packers released their first injury report of Week 16 on Wednesday afternoon. The roster is 20 players long and includes five players unable to make it to Wednesday’s practice. Here’s what else to know from the injury report as the Packers gear up for the Tennessee Titans: – Running back Jamaal … Read more

ICE: More than 4,000 known or suspected gang members, including MS-13, deported in fiscal year 2020

[ad_1] ICE deported more than 4,000 known or suspected gang members in fiscal 2020, including hundreds from the MS-13 gang, the agency said in a new report. The year-end immigration and customs enforcement report for fiscal 2020 reveals that the agency, which was criticized by activists and lawmakers during the Trump administration, deported 185,884 immigrants. … Read more

Home Scratch-and-Sniff Test for COVID-19 May Be Imminent

[ad_1] A self-administered “ scratch-and-sniff ” test for COVID-19[feminine peut être au coin de la rue, selon des chercheurs de Penn State, le Université de Florideet l’Université d’État de l’Arizona. L’équipe, qui a reçu 912000 $ des National Institutes of Health, analysera deux tests olfactifs différents dans le but de développer des tests à domicile … Read more

Houston area leaders urge residents to show love for others by canceling holiday gatherings

[ad_1] HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) – Ahead of Christmas, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo and Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner are urging residents to be safe and cancel all parties if possible after seeing a spike in cases of COVID-19. “It’s tempting, especially during the holidays, to think it’s okay to visit friends and family now, especially … Read more