69 COVID-19 cases linked to Minnesota State Fair so far

[ad_1] Just over two weeks since the start of the Minnesota State Fair (August 26), the Minnesota Department of Health has confirmed 69 cases of COVID-19 that were likely contracted during the Great Minnesota Get-Together. “These cases involve people who said they attended the fair during the period in which they were most likely exposed … Read more

Another SEC chase howler sees Ripple walking away

[ad_1] The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has admitted that before taking legal action against Ripple, he never informed third-party investigators that he considered XRP a security. “… The Commission admits that prior to the filing of this case, some third parties inquired about the legal status of XRP. However, the Commission did not express … Read more

Porterville Fire receives $ 1.5 million grant for six other firefighters | New

[ad_1] The Porterville Fire Department was successful in applying for a $ 1.5 million grant to hire six more firefighters. The $ 1.5 million grant, the staffing for adequate fire and emergency response, SAFER, was awarded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency on Friday. Congressman Kevin McCarthy, whose district represents Porterville, sent a letter to … Read more

Mary Trump says it’s ‘shameful’ her uncle spends 9/11 commenting on boxing match

[ad_1] Mary Trump bludgeoned her uncle Donald Trump’s decision to comment on a heavyweight à la carte fight on the 20th anniversary of the tragic September 11 attacks, calling it “shameful.” CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked the former president’s niece on Thursday about her reaction to her uncle’s highly controversial choice. “Does that surprise you, even … Read more

Here is the affordable TCL foldable phone that could have been

[ad_1] The foldable from TCL is real. But you will never be able to buy it. Richard Peterson / CNET For more than two years, TCL has been showing journalists prototypes of foldable phones. One had a 10-inch screen that folded in three. Another featured a screen that wrapped around the wrist. Yet another had … Read more

Andy Card recalls one of the first calls President Bush made from Air Force One after the 9/11 attacks

[ad_1] Andy Card, who served as President George W. Bush’s chief of staff, told CNBC about a lesser-known phone call made shortly after whispering to the president that the nation was attacked by terrorists on the morning of September 11 2001.. “One thing a lot of people don’t realize, he called President Putin, one of … Read more