Paleontologists discover the largest T. Rex in the world, and it was a bad ass


Palaeontologists have discovered the largest Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton ever discovered, making it the largest dinosaur fossil ever discovered in Canada.

The biggest T-Rex ever found

Canadian paleontologists at the University of Alberta (AU) claim to have discovered the largest T-Rex the world has ever seen. Nicknamed "Scotty," the largest dinosaur skeleton ever discovered in Canada was 13 meters long and was about 66 million years old.


"This is the rex of rexes," said Scott Persons, a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Biological Sciences at AU and lead author of the study. "There is a great variability in size between Tyrannosaurus, some individuals were thinner than others and more robust, Scotty is a sturdy example, take careful measurements of his legs, hips and even shoulders, and Scotty in a little heavier than the other T. specimens rex. "

Scotty, named after the bottle of whiskey that the team of researchers drank to celebrate the night of his discovery, is the largest carnivorous dinosaur ever discovered, weighing about 8,800 kg, based on an analysis of bone of the skeleton leg.

Scotty is not only the largest T. Rex ever found, it's also the oldest

It is not only the size of Scotty that distinguishes him, but also his age.

"Scotty is the oldest T. rex known," said Person. "I mean by that he would have had the greatest number of candles on his last birthday cake.You can get an idea of ​​the age of a dinosaur by cutting in his and studying his growth patterns, Scotty is old. "

Given the time, age is certainly relative. T. Rexes grew up very fast and died early, like all other rock stars; Scotty was a sagacious elder, T. Rex, aged 30 to 35 years old.

"According to Tyrannosaurus standards, life was exceptionally long, and it was a violent life," said Persons. "The skeleton is riddled with pathologies, points where the scar bone registers large wounds."

All of Scotty's scars show broken ribs, an infection in the jaw and what the research team may have suspected biting the tail of another T-Rex. Being the oldest known member of a dinosaur species known for its brute force, deadly teeth and primitive ferocity speaks volumes to Scotty: a creature does not survive this type of environment without hitting it with younger, more physically capable members of his kind.

It is not hard to imagine that all these young adults, T. rexes, rush to the throne of Scotty thinking it was an easy killing, but Scotty continued to dominate for three decades. I'd like to see what happened to T. Rex who thought it was a good idea to get on Scotty's tail.

"I think there will always be more discoveries to be made," he said, "but at the present time, this Tyrannosaurus is the greatest known terrestrial predator of science."

The discovery was published in the journal The anatomical file this week.


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