Palomar Medical Center now takes care of patients at another care site


SAN DIEGO (KGTV) – Palomar Medical Center confirmed on Monday that patients are now being treated at the federal alternative care site on their property, as local hospitals work to track COVID-19 cases.

This alternative care site has been installed on the 10th and 11th floors of the hospital. The National Guard was called in to manage the facility in December to help ease the burden on hospitals and staff in San Diego and Imperial Counties.

The state told ABC 10News on Monday that the site was caring for 10 patients. The unit can serve up to 200 patients who do not require ICU care.

San Diego County reported on Sunday that about 1,500 people in the hospital were being treated for the coronavirus, including 376 in the ICU.

As cases increase, there is also a call to bring USNS Mercy back to California to help with the outbreak. The ship was sent to Los Angeles last March to help deal with the overflow of patients. He spent two months there treating non-COVID patients to help free up beds and ventilators.

ABC10News has contacted the Navy regarding the possibility of involving Mercy again, and we are awaiting their response.


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