Paralyzed by fear? Johns Hopkins doctor notices something peculiar about COVID vaccine guidelines by Matt Vespa


Dr Marty Makary of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine was bold in his projection that we will have herd immunity by April. This has been contested by those far from his level of public health expertise, but I get the denial as it destroys the Democratic Party’s COVID lockdown regime. In an editorial for The Wall Street Journal, Makary says we underestimate natural immunity and that with the pace of vaccinations, we will hit that critical benchmark to get back to normalcy by tax season.

“About 1 in 600 Americans has died from Covid-19, which translates into a population death rate of around 0.15%. The death rate from Covid-19 infection is around 0.23%, ”wrote Dr Makary. With these figures, he estimates that two-thirds of the country has already been infected. We are rapidly approaching 100 million vaccinations. It’s not a crazy projection, but he says other health experts are afraid to push for fear of impacting vaccination rates. It’s not their job, he argued. The good health news must be spread, not buried. There was a setback, and there will be more when he recently wrote about vaccination protocols.

The good doctor cited an Israeli study which shows that those who received the Pfizer vaccine are virtually “bulletproof” four weeks after the first dose. That’s the key word here. So we can get back to normal if the CDC weren’t so busy peddling exaggerated threats about the virus and being stricken with fear, which Makary noted with his latest directives. Is it “to follow science” or “to be afraid, to be very afraid”?

Get the hang of it, wait and month, and start rebuilding our lives. It’s just. This appears to be based on science, which the CDC may not be ignoring. You are the judge (via WSJ):

Parts of the new guidelines are absurdly restrictive. For example, the CDC has not withdrawn its advice to avoid air travel after vaccination. A year of prevaccine experience has shown that planes are not a source of spread. A study conducted for the Department of Defense found that commercial aircraft have HEPA filtration and airflow that exceed standards for a hospital operating room.


An unpublished study conducted by Israel’s Ministry of Health and Pfizer showed that vaccination reduced transmission from 89% to 94% and almost completely prevented hospitalization and death, according to news reports. Immunity starts about four weeks after the first dose of vaccine, and then you’re basically bulletproof. With the added security of wearing a mask indoors for a few more weeks or months – a practical necessity in public places even if not medical, as you can’t tell on sight if someone is immune – there is little that a vaccinated person should be discouraged from doing.

On a positive note, the CDC said fully vaccinated people who are asymptomatic do not need to be tested. But that obvious recommendation should have come two months ago, before wasting so much testing on people who have high levels of circulating antibodies from vaccination.

In its advice, the CDC says the risks of infection in those vaccinated “cannot be completely eliminated.” Certainly, we do not have conclusive data guaranteeing that vaccination reduces the risk to zero. We never will. We operate in the field of medical discretion based on the best available data, as practicing physicians have always done. The CDC points to the astounding success of vaccines but is ridiculously cautious about its implications. Public health officials are focusing myopic on the risk of transmission while virtually ignoring the broader health crisis stemming from isolation. The CDC recognizes the “potential” risks of isolation, but does not go into details.

It is time to free the vaccinated people to restore their relationships and rebuild their lives. This would encourage vaccination by encouraging hesitant people to get vaccinated.

Throughout the pandemic, authorities missed the target of precautions. Hospitals have barred family members from being with loved ones as they gasp for air, gag on a ventilation tube – what some patients describe as the worst feeling in the world. Along with the power to hold hands, family members coordinate care and serve as a valuable safety net, a partnership that was badly needed when many hospitals were understaffed. The separation of family members was excessive and cruel, driven by narrow thinking that focused only on reducing the risk of viral transmission, without considering harms to the quality of human life.

He added the mental health issues that have exploded due to the lockdown regime that teachers’ unions, Democrats and the liberal media are ignoring. The children commit suicide. Anxiety and depression also increased among college students. Loneliness and isolation are going to be the real ‘long-term’ symptom of this pandemic, which could be partially alleviated if our experts gave us advice that wasn’t so shit covered.


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