Paramedic paramedic (23) paralyzed by a stroke after the "crack of the neck" having broken a large artery


A young paramedic revealed that she had a stroke when she had stretched her neck and had broken a large artery.

Natalie Kuniciki was watching a movie in bed after a party when she stretched her neck and heard a loud "crunch".

The 23-year-old, who works for the London Ambulance Service (LAS), did not think about it. She lay down, but when she woke up 15 minutes later, she could not move her left leg and fell to the ground walking.

Natalie was rushed to hospital in an ambulance where a CT scan confirmed that her vertebral artery – a major artery of the neck – had burst. This caused the formation of a blood clot in his brain and triggered a stroke.

Natalie 's left side was almost completely paralyzed and she spent nearly a month in the hospital while she was trying to regain movement in her leg, arm and hand.

She began to rebuild her life and slowly regained her mobility through daily exercises.

Now, Natalie is talking to warn people about the risks of joint cracking and the fact that stroke can affect people of all ages.

Natalie Kunicki confused her own symptoms with the state of intoxication and was too embarrassed to call 999

"People need to know that even if you are young, something so simple can cause a stroke," she said. Daily registration.

"I did not even try to break my neck, I moved and it happened.

"I am a paramedic and I did not call 999 for 10 minutes because I thought it was too unlikely that it was a stroke while I should have known it much better. .

"Every minute, more and more cells in your brain are dying, so never neglect a stroke just because someone is young.

"And people need to be more careful when they do chiropractic exercises or weights at the gym.

Natalie admits she was reluctant to call 999 because she did not want a team around to come in and find her "drunk", so she tried to go back to sleep.

She said, "I was trying to call 999, but I was barking about it. There was a good chance that the crew who showed up would be composed of my friends and I did not want them to see me drunk.

"I tried to go back to sleep, but I could call I called 999. I told them that I was a paramedic and that I knew something was wrong.

"They took my blood pressure and my heart rate and they were both very high. Then they did this test by keeping their finger in the air and touching their noses.

"My hand went everywhere and I thought, oh no. I knew something was happening. "

Natalie said she was completely "moved" when she was diagnosed with the doctors.

She revealed that her co-workers had given her a week to "get out of it" before she could overcome her "pity party" and devote all her energy to her recovery.

Natalie said, "When the consultant announced that I had a stroke, I was shocked.

"Later, doctors told me that stretching my neck had caused the rupture of my spinal artery. It was just spontaneous and there was a one million chance that this would happen.

"I was in shock for about three days in intensive care. I was a bit of a wet blanket. I did not really say much and I was not in touch with anyone. I had no sense of humor.

"I was completely cut off, trying to calculate what had happened. People said that I was a bit like a robot and that I did not show much emotion.

"But some friends from the ambulance said," You have a week from the day of your stroke to get out of it, otherwise we'll get you out of it. "

A Go Fund Me[L'âgeaétéfixépourcollecterdesfondspouraideràpayerlesfraismédicauxdeNatalie[agehasbeensetuptoraisemoneytohelppayforNatalie'smedicalcosts[l'âgeaétéfixépourcollecterdesfondspouraideràpayerlesfraismédicauxdeNatalie[agehasbeensetuptoraisemoneytohelppayforNatalie’smedicalcosts

"I was able to organize my little pity night for a week, but that's it. They said to me: "What is done is done now, just work and do all the exercises".

"I think if I did not have them, I would have been in my pity party a little longer, but instead, I broke all the goals of the therapy.

"I love my job and want to come back to it. I'm so used to being busy and now I feel like I'm climbing the walls a bit. I really want to go back to work as soon as I can. "

While doctors can not give an exact timetable for a full recovery, Natalie hopes to be back to work for "light work" in six to twelve months.

She said: "I found the movement on the left side, I can walk but not more than five minutes.

"I'm really clumsy, I can not create buttons, I find that too difficult, I can get hot and cold now but I still feel a little numb.

"Doctors just say things like" we hope for a full recovery "and will not give the exact time because they do not want to make me hope.

"But I'm determined to go back to work as soon as I can. I love it."

To donate to Natalie's GoFundMe page, click right here.


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